Synapse Invite Checker is a synapse module to restrict invites on a homeserver according to the rules required by Gematik in a TIM federation.
Table of Contents
pip install synapse-invite-checker
Here are the available configuration options:
# the outer modules section is just provided for completeness, the config block is the actual module config.
- module: "synapse_invite_checker.InviteChecker"
title: "TIM Contact API by Famedly", # Title for the info endpoint, optional
description: "Custom description for the endpoint", # Description for the info endpoint, optional
contact: "[email protected]", # Contact information for the info endpoint, optional
federation_list_url: "https://localhost:8080", # Full url where to fetch the federation list from, required
federation_localization_url: "https://localhost:8080/localization", # Full url where to fetch the federation localization from, required. Should be the same host as federation list.
federation_list_client_cert: "tests/certs/client.pem", # path to a pem encoded client certificate for mtls, required if federation list url is https
gematik_ca_baseurl: "", # the baseurl to the ca to use for the federation list, required
tim-type: "epa" or "pro", # Patient/Insurance or Professional mode, defaults to "pro" mode. Optional currently, but will be required in a later release
allowed_room_versions: # The list(as strings) of allowed room versions. Currently optional, defaults are listed
- "9"
- "10"
room_scan_run_interval: see 'Duration Parsing' below, # How often to scan for rooms that are eligible for deletion. Defaults to "1h". Setting to "0" completely disables all room scanning
enabled: true or false # optional switch to disable the insured-only room scan from running. The scan is enabled by default, but only runs in EPA mode, otherwise this option is ignored and the scan is disabled.
grace_period: see 'Duration Parsing' below, # Length of time a room with only EPA members is allowed to exist before deletion. Ignored if `enabled` is false. Defaults to "1w"
enabled: true or false # optional switch to disable the room scan for inactive rooms, defaults to true
grace_period: see 'Duration Parsing' below # Length of time a room is allowed to have no message activity before it is eligible for deletion. Ignored if 'enabled' is false. Defaults to "26w" which is 6 months
Settings labeled as 'duration_parsing' allow for a string representation of the value
that is converted to milliseconds. Suffixes with 's', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w', or 'y' may be used. For example:
would translate to 3600000
The tests uses twisted's testing framework trial, with the development enviroment managed by hatch. Running the tests and generating a coverage report can be done like this:
hatch run cov
is distributed under the terms of the
AGPL-3.0 license.