RiMusic is a multilingual and multiplatform extensible offline player.
RiMusic does not collect any data.
The developer of this project is not liable for any misuse or legal issues arising from its use and is not affiliated with any content providers.
This project hosts zero content.
This project does not condone piracy.
This project is created strictly for educational purposes.
Pull requests are welcome
- If you want:
- to develop new functions or fix a bug, fork the repository, send a pull request.
- to translate or improve a translation read the section Translations
- Go to Crowdin, help with the translations.
- ViMusic
- RiMusic current Logo Design from jaimtres
- RiMusic previous Logo, many current icons from @ikanakova
- RiMusic Website, other features from JZITNIK-github, martkol
- RiMusic New player, lyrics layouts from aneesh1122
- Ionicons: Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps, web apps everywhere.
- FlatIcon.com: Download Free Icons, Stickers for your projects. Resources made by, for designers.
- Translator: A simple, free Google Translate library for Kotlin/JVM, Java.
- KuGou: Lyrics provider
- LrcLib: Lyrics provider
- HypnoticCanvas: A shader modifier for Compose Multiplatform / Jetpack Compose