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A Rails-inspired [something]VC boilerplate for new ProcessWire projects

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A Rails-inspired PVC (P for ProcessWire) boilerplate for ProcessWire

(Our wiki is under development, but already has more detailed information than this readme.)

A boilerplate for new ProcessWire projects (tested only with PHP 5.4.24). The entrypoint is enabled for a template by using the delegate approach, so make sure to set all templates to use mvc.php as an alternate template by visiting:

Setup -> [template] -> Files -> Alternate Template Filename

in your admin.


Kickstart ProcessWire projects with a light-weight structure that reduces repetition, separates logic from markup, and logically organises your code for easier management.


  • html, body, and structural markup is defined in a single template
  • header, footer, and other global sections are defined once
  • logic is abstracted from markup
  • contains a working, and easy to understand contact form built through the API
  • Rails-inspired MVC pattern
  • Page-specific and fallback controller actions
  • OpenGraph features


The boilerplate uses traits to separate concerns in the ApplicationController, as such it required PHP 5.4. If you would rather run on PHP =< 5.3 you just need to remove the traits and inline the code into ApplicationController.


Clone this repo into

├── templates

Move the contents of !root to the root of your site (.gitignore to your project root), and get cracking!

NOTE: ProcessWire creates its own .htaccess. The .htaccess in this repo extends the H5BP .htaccess with the ProcessWire 2.3 .htaccess. You may override that .htaccess with this one.


IMPORTANT: For all of your templates that you want to work through a Controller use the mvc.php template. To enable that set Alternate Template Filename to 'mvc' in the advanced tab of your template.

If you don't do this, processwire will look for site/[template_name].php. mvc.php is the entrypoint into the MVC framework.

There is no routing, you take care of that by making templates and pages in the ProcessWire admin.

Most Basic Controller

class ContactController extends Controller {
	function index() {
		// Render views/contact.html.php
		return $this->render();

More Complete Controller Example For The 'home' Template:

// site/controllers/HomeController.php
// The name of the class matters! 'Home' in 'HomeController' matches up to
// a template named 'home' in the processwire admin.
class HomeController extends Controller {
  // Index will be executed by all pages using the Home template.
  // Except if a page-specific method is defined (see below)
  // This function MUST be defined in your template controller.
	function index() {
		// Render views/home.html.php
		return $this->render();

	// Optional
	function before() { /* Will run before controller method */ }
	// Optional
	function after() { /* Will run after controller method */ }

	// Will execute for a page named foo-bar or foo_bar instead of index()
	// The page still has to use the 'home' template.
	// Also renders views/home.html.php
	function page_foo_bar() {
    $vars = array('defined' => 'only here!');
		// Optionally pass an array for variables that will be available in the view
		// e.g. <p>var = <?= $defined ?></p> <!-- only here! -->
		return $this->render($vars);

	// Also a page specific method - demonstrating overriding of view name and layout
	function page_bar_baz() {
	  	// Override the implicit view and use views/foobar.html.php
	  	// Also sets the layout to views/layouts/alternative.html.php
		return $this->render('foobar', array('optional' => 'vars'))->set_layout('alternative');

  // To set the layout globally to this controller, just define $layout
  protected $layout = 'alternative';


Basic layout: views/layouts

<!-- views/layouts/application.html.php -->
<!-- This will process and output the file views/partials/my_partial.html.php -->
<?= $this->partial('my_partial') ?>

<!-- This is Rails' yield ('yield' is a reserved word in php 5.5 - so let's 'spit' the content out) -->
<?php $this->spit() ?>

<!-- This will process and output the file views/partials/footer.html.php with the variable foo-->
<?= $this->partial('footer', array('foo' => 'bar')) ?>

JSON API Anyone?

Uses ProcesWire's $config->is_ajax to determine whether to use api controller or normal controller

// controllers/api/ContactController.php
class ContactController extends ApiController {
  // Get method is optional, by default a get request
  // returns the page data for this page.
  // To get hold of this data use $this->page_data().
  // GET /contact/?id=1
  function get() {
    $id = $this->param('id');
    return array('foo' => 'bar'.$id);
    // {"foo":"bar1"}

  // POST /contact (with optional request and response objects)
  function post($req, $resp) {
    $id = $this->param('id'); // equivalent to $req->param('id')
    // Lets serve a dummy 404 page here for some reason
    $resp->set_body("<strong>$ID NOT FOUND</strong>");
    $resp->set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html');

  function all($req, $resp) {
    // Catch all for all remaining requests methods
    if ($req->method() == 'PATCH') { /*...*/ }

  // Other methods are
  // If a request is made and the controller doesnt implement that method
  // then http status 405 Method Not Allowed is used. The Allow header is
  // given with the allowed methods.


  • Write tests!!!
  • Add controller level layout override
  • Rip out API controller and look at gluing a micro-framework like silex or Slim
  • Add bash script to install into your processwire, complete with dependencies
  • Add Wiki
  • Add easy installation script (wget -O- | sh)
  • Get rid of MVC references in docs in favour of PVC (ProcesssWire is the model)
