Transvision is a Web application targeting the Mozilla localization community, created and maintained by the French Mozilla community (
The main purpose of Transvision is to provide a specialized search engine to find localized strings in Mozilla code repositories for all Mozilla products (Firefox, Thunderbird, Firefox OS, Seamonkey…) and websites (currenty only is supported) via a Web interface. There are also side-features such as checks for common typographical errors for some languages, validity checks for localized access keys in the UI, or comparison views between Mozilla repository channels (Nightly/Aurora/Beta/Release).
Transvision is written in PHP, the string extraction is done with the Silme library (Python) and server install/maintenance scripts are in Bash.
Transvision is available at:
Transvision Beta is available at:
Transvision was created by Philippe Dessante, from the French Mozilla localization team.
Lead developer since version 1.0 : Pascal Chevrel (pascal AT mozilla DOT com).
The Transvision team uses Git and GitHub for both development and issue tracking.
- If you'd like to contribute code back to us, you can do it using a Pull Request.
- We generate automatic documentation of Transvision classes.
- If you want to chat with the team, you can find us on IRC in
(#transvision channel on server).
- If you want to file a bug Create a new issue on github or contact the team.
- Bash scripting support
- Python
- PHP >= 5.6
- Composer (Dependency Manager for PHP,
- mercurial, git, svn to check out data sources (only for a Full installation for production)
- php5-xsl and GraphViz packages for generating the documentation with phpDocumentor
- Apache with mod_rewrite activated
- Fork the Transvision Project into your GitHub account.
- Clone your fork to your machine.
- Copy app/config/config.ini-dist to app/config/config.ini and adapt the variables to your system.
- Run first "app/scripts/", then "app/scripts/". This process will take some time as it downloads the source code for all Mozilla products (~20GB of data).
- Install Composer (Dependency Manager for PHP, and run "php composer.phar install" (or "composer install" if installed globally) inside the web folder.
- You can run Transvision in your local machine either with the
script or withphp -S localhost:8082 -t web/ app/inc/router.php
and opening http://localhost:8082/ with your browser. To bound PHP internal web server to -remote
: server will be accessible from other devices in the LAN, or from the host machine in case Transvision is running inside a Virtual Machine.
- Fork the Transvision Project into your GitHub account.
- Clone your fork to your machine.
- Run "". This process may take some time as it downloads a snapshot of data from Transvision server (~400MB). It will also download Composer, the PHP dependency manager, and install the dependencies needed. A config file located in app/config/config.ini will be created automatically. Once this is done, PHP development server will be launched and you can visit http://localhost:8082/ with your browser.
Note that if you launch again after the installation, it will not download again all the data, composer and dependencies, it will only launch the development server.
- To update Transvision glossary, run "app/scripts/" (only for full installations) .
- Add Transvision parent project as a remote repository called 'upstream' (this is a one time operation):
git remote add upstream [email protected]:mozfr/transvision.git
- Update your master branch to the latest version of Transvision every time you want to do some dev work:
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
Then switch to a new branch where you will work on the patch you want to propose:
git checkout -b my_new_branch
- Launch unit tests:
php vendor/atoum/atoum/bin/atoum -d tests/units/
- Update dependencies with composer:
php composer.phar update
or, if Composer is installed globally:
composer update
- Check our Coding Standards before submitting pull requests.