Severals scripts that perform analysis on pool-seq data obtained with the PWGS pipeline. They have been used in:
- M. Fracassetti Genetic diversity and climate adaption in Arabidopsis lyrata
- Willi Y. et al. Accumulation of Mutational Load at the Edges of a Species Range
Software used:
- SnpEff (Cingolani et al. 2012)
- SeqinR (Charif & Lobry et al. 2007)
- BEDTools (BEDTools, Quinlan et al. 2010)
- TreeMix (Pickrell & Pritchard 2012)
- Baypass (Gautier 2015)
- SIFT4G (Vaser et al. 2016)
It uses the multiple genome alignment ( between A. thaliana (TIAR 10) and A. lyrata (version 1) done with GenomeVISTA (Dubchak et al. 2009). First it sorts the aligned regions in an ascending order according to alignment score minus the number of gap in A. thaliana and A. lyrata. After it replace the 8 scaffold of A. lyrata with the aligned regions of A. thaliana. It start from the aligned region with lower score. The regions without alignment are encoded with N.
It uses the functions in the R script ref_thaliana.R and the script
It annotates the INDEL and SNPs called by VarScan with the new annotation of A. lyrata (Rawat et al. 2015). The script creates the database for SnpEff. The script annotates the INDEL and SNPs for each population.
bin_dir= directory with the executable files
scaf_num=names of the analyzed scaffolds
folder=folder with the VarScan SNPs and INDEL
fold_pops=names of the populations
anno_SnpEff=SnpEff database
out=output directory
out_SNP directory with the annotated SNPs
out_INDEL directory with the annotated INDEL
It calculates the median and the mean of different statistics of NPStat (Ferretti et al 2013). It calculates the quantiles on the weighted median based on the number of the bp sequenced in the window analyzed. Run the function dist_np2 in the R script npstat_w_median.R
fold_pops=folders with the VarScan SNPs
name_pops= names of the populations
snp_call= SNPcalling software used (snape or varscan)
sel_bp= minimum number of base pairs to take into account a window
sel_S= minimum number of SNPs to take into account a window
name_out=output name
table with summary foreach pop.
The script linear_model_input_table_fin.R calculates the explanatory for the linear model.
It merges the SNPs called by Varscan. It retains only the SNP biallelic (between populations), present in min_pop populations, that has min_freq allele frequency and that has min_MAF MAF (minor allele frequency). It prepares the input file for Treemix and Baypass. It uses BEDTools,snp_merge_scicore1.R and snp_merge3_MAF.R
folder_in= folder with the output of PWGS
mod= genomic region (tot, intergenic, cds ...)
name_pops= selected populations
scafs= scaffold
min_freq= minimum frequency to retain a SNP
min_pop= minimum number of populations where a SNP have to be present.
nome_out= Output name.
nome_out_scaf_stat2 info file
nome_out_scaf table with all the SNPs
nome_out_scaf_tripop table with triallelic SNPs
nome_out_scaf_meancov Mean read depth
name_tab= Input table from snp_merge_scicore1.R
min_MAF= minimum total MAF (across all populations) to retain a SNPs
min_pop= minimum number of populations where a SNP have to be present
pop_sel= selected populations
name_out= Output name
name_out_min_MAF_min_pop_stat3=info file
name_out_min_MAF_min_pop.vcf= vcf file with popsitions
name_out_min_MAF_min_pop.geno= table with number of reference and alternative alleles
name_out_min_MAF_min_pop_pops= names of populations analyzed
It creates relatedness trees with migration events. The script run TreeMix program and call and This pipeline is designed to run on sciCORE HPC with qsub command.
It run maximum likelihood trees done with TreeMix. It uses the graph_Treemix.R, plotting_funcs.R,,
ord_pop= order of populations
migs= number of migration events
in_file= input file for treemix
link= block of SNPs (for linkage disequilibrium)
name_out= output name
n_sim= number of simulations
directory with the TreeMix trees and the graph trees
name_out_llik It print the inital and final likelihood for each tree
Baypass (Gautier 2015) is a program for the Environmental Association Analysis EAA. The input files are done with snp_merge3_MAF.R. First the population variant matrix is calculated and after the association with between the SNPs and the environmental variable is performed. Finally a Gene Ontology analysis is done with SNP2GO (Szkiba et al. 2014). In the script bypass_fin_git.R there are some function in R that I used.
SIFT4G predict whether an amino acid substitustion is deleterious. The script run SIFT program and call, after run This pipeline is designed to run on sciCORE HPC with qsub command.
scaf_num= scaffold names
fold_pops= popolation names
n_threads= number cores
folder= input folder
type= type of region (tot, int, CDS)
out_dir= output directory
sift_pro= location SIFT4G_Annotator_v2.4.jar database= database SIFT4G (v.1.0.23)
The SIFT4G_Annotator_v2 output files in the output directory