Hofstadter Model on a square lattice loaded with interacting bosons.
This project is related to my research activity as a PhD student in the LPMMC laboratory, CNRS (Grenoble), under the supervision of C. Repellin.
It provides an exact diagonalization of the Hofstadter model for interacting bosons on a square lattice:
- Exact diagonalization of the Hofstadter Model with open boundary conditions
- Energy spectrum resolved in the C4 rotation symmetry
- Absorption spectra calculated via transition matrix elements (from the ground state)
$\bra{\psi_n}f_{n,l}\ket{\psi_0}$ - Local particle density of a generic eigenstate of the Hamiltonian:
$\bra{\psi_n}\hat n_i\ket{\psi_n}$ - Time evolution protocol: ground state driven in time by a Laguerre-Gauss beam
- Entanglement spectrum for a target state calculated with particle partition in real space
For info about usage just type 'python [name of the program].py -h'. Example of output below:
usage: HofstadterThreeBody.py [-h] [-N N] [-L L] [-J J] [-U U] [-U3 U3] [--conf CONF] [--alpha ALPHA] [--hardcore [HARDCORE]]
[--savestates [SAVESTATES]] [--nbreigenstates NBREIGENSTATES] [--c4symmetry [C4SYMMETRY]]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-N number of particles
-L side of the square lattice of size LxL
-J tunneling energy
-U two-body onsite interaction (only in softcore mode)
-U3 three-body onsite interaction (only in softcore mode)
--conf CONF harmonic trap confinement strength (v0) as v0 * r^2
--alpha ALPHA magnetic flux density as alpha=p/q
--hardcore [HARDCORE]
hardcore bosons mode
--savestates [SAVESTATES]
save eigenvectors
--nbreigenstates NBREIGENSTATES
number of eigenstates to be saved
--c4symmetry [C4SYMMETRY]
use the c4 rotation symmetry in the exact diagonalization
Here some inspiration for improvement/features that might be done in the future, and an imminent to-do list.
Room for improvement/new features:
- Optimization for the building of the C4 symmetric Hamiltonian
- Add periodic boundary conditions (cylinder and torus geometries)
F. Binanti, N. Goldman, C. Repellin, ArXiv:2306.01624
In this paper I used the code to benchmark an experimental protocol to detect topological edge states.
Many features of this project were inspired by Cecile Repellin (LPMMC Grenoble, CNRS).
Francesco Binanti ([email protected]) - feel free to contact me!