This is a project for the course "Mobile and Cyberphisical Systems" @ University of Pisa.
During this tough period characterized by COVID-19 pandemic, many companies and business are living very difficult situations due to the necessary restrictions imposed by governments and local health services. Business and services based on people entertainment in which interpersonal distance is hard to maintain are forced to reduce a lot their customers capacity. Skiing area are one of the many business that have been penalized more by the government restrictions due to the possible creation of queues before lift facilities that represent a concrete danger for the spread of the virus. This project has the goal of helping these businesses using IT technologies, reducing the possibilities of the creation of crowed places.
We are using docker to create a running instance of the whole system, including also a data simulator.
You can build and run it simply by cloning the repository and run the following command in the root folder: docker-compose up
Remember after you've cloned the repository to initiliaze the git submodules by using:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Eschini Renato @reny77
- Fattori Francesco @francescofact
- Frigo Giacomo @giacomofrigo