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Transaction Fee Tracker

This application retrieves and tracks transaction fees from the Ethereum UniswapV3 EthUsdc pool.

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Periodic Loader The Periodic Loader regularly scans Etherscan for new transactions related to the target pool. Once identified, the transaction hash is saved, and the fee is calculated and stored in USDT.

Price Api Historical ETH/USDT price data is retrieved using Binance's public klines API, ensuring precise price information down to the nearest minute for accurate fee calculations.

Web3 Pub/Sub Loader This loader subscribes to real-time updates for new transaction hashes requiring processing. It retrieves the transaction details and logs, verifying if the transaction belongs to the target pool before proceeding further.

Txn Api Client The Transaction API Client handles user API requests by first attempting to serve data from the Redis cache. If a transaction hash is not cached, the client publishes it to the Web3 Pub/Sub Loader for further processing and verification.

Sample Logs

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  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Running the Application

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd tokka
  2. I have updated the the .env file in the root directory of the project with my free-tier Etherscan API key and Infura rpc url, feel free to substitute them with your own:

  3. Build and run the application using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up --build

    The application should spawn a redis instance and 2 other processes - A process to periodically load and batch load hash queries, and another api instance.

  4. Access the application:

API Endpoints

Get Transaction Fee

Endpoint: /transaction-fee/{hash}

  • Method: GET
  • Path Parameter:
    • hash: The transaction hash to retrieve the USDT fee for.
  • Response Model:
class GetTransactionFeeResponse(BaseModel):
    hash: str
    fee: str = ""
    msg: str = "ok"

Sample Curl

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/transaction-fee/0x7edc1beb3e592a7a078cddd8a3b7dd727a32f24780f632ca5ec89ccf1cc6982a"

Example Response

  "hash": "0x7edc1beb3e592a7a078cddd8a3b7dd727a32f24780f632ca5ec89ccf1cc6982a",
  "fee": "5.100978709474772", // in USDT
  "msg": "ok"

Endpoint: /transaction-fee

  • Method: POST
  • Body Parameter:
    • hashes: An array of hashes to retrieve the USDT fee for.
  • Response Model:
class PostTransactionFeeResponse(BaseModel):
    fees: list[GetTransactionFeeResponse]

Sample Curl

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/transaction-fee/" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"hashes": ["0x7edc1beb3e592a7a078cddd8a3b7dd727a32f24780f632ca5ec89ccf1cc6982a", "0x646706f493c63c7c18285163808d43648e508129fd4d200a3dd4c24a6eac354c", "0x33600e9183dde58d8b787f63af70fc9a4d458c1f5ccb53e622c90658aa6f768a", "qwer"]}'

Example Response

    "fees" [
          "hash": "0x7edc1beb3e592a7a078cddd8a3b7dd727a32f24780f632ca5ec89ccf1cc6982a",
          "fee": "5.100978709474772", // in USDT
          "msg": "ok"
          "hash": "0x646706f493c63c7c18285163808d43648e508129fd4d200a3dd4c24a6eac354c",
          "fee": "",
          "msg": "non uniswapv3 pool txn"
          "hash": "0x33600e9183dde58d8b787f63af70fc9a4d458c1f5ccb53e622c90658aa6f768a",
          "fee": "",
          "msg": "queued for processing, query again after some time"
          "hash": "qwer",
          "fee": "",
          "msg": "invalid hash"


Testing will be done locally with python's builtin unittest framework. To run tests and generate a coverage report, follow these steps:

1. Set up a Python Virtual Environment

Ensure you have Python >= 3.9 installed. Then, create a virtual environment:

python3 -m virtualenv venv

2. Activate the Virtual Environment

For Linux/macOS:

source venv/bin/activate

For Windows:


3. Install the Required Dependencies

Install all dependencies from the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Run the Tests with Coverage Reporting

To run all tests in the project and generate a coverage report, run the following command:

python -m coverage run --omit="tests/*" -m unittest discover -p "test_*.py" && python -m coverage report

This command will run all test files starting with test_ in the tests/ directory, omitting the test files from the coverage report.

Example Output

After running the command, you should see output similar to this:

Ran 27 tests in 0.323s

Name                                            Stmts   Miss  Cover
api/                                33      0   100%
api/                               7      0   100%                                           7      0   100%
loader/                               31      9    71%
loader/                          17      5    71%
loader/                           38      0   100%
loader/                         43      0   100%
loader/etherscan_loader/            13      4    69%
loader/etherscan_loader/      11      0   100%
loader/web3_loader/                13      0   100%
loader/web3_loader/              19      0   100%
util/                                13      4    69%
util/                                    4      0   100%
TOTAL                                             249     22    91%

Design Considerations

1. Asynchronous Design

Python's robust support for asynchronous programming makes it a natural fit for handling I/O-intensive tasks, especially in a system with multiple processes for data collection and processing. Using async ensures non-blocking execution and optimal resource utilization, particularly in environments that demand high concurrency.

2. Redis

Redis offers in-memory data storage, ensuring near-instant access to frequently updated information. Its clustering and sharding capabilities provide seamless scalability as the volume of users, orders, and market data grows. Additionally, Redis functions effectively as a caching layer for API responses, significantly reducing latency.

3. Redis Pub/Sub for Interprocess Communication

Redis Pub/Sub is an excellent choice for real-time communication between system components. Its event-driven nature enhances responsiveness, allowing different processes to react instantly to market changes or other system events. The scalability of Pub/Sub also ensures efficient communication as the number of subscribers increases.

By integrating asynchronous programming with Redis and its Pub/Sub capabilities, the system achieves smooth, efficient, and scalable performance, bringing all components together cohesively.


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