Qt library for VDV301 devices used as publisher
- CustomerInformationService (1.0, 2.2CZ1.0, 2.3)
- GetAllData
- GetCurrentDisplayContent
- DeviceManagementService (1.0)
- VDV301DataStructures
- added ArrivalTime to StopPoint
- XmlCommon
- removed FareZoneChange from XmlCommon::TripInformation2_3 to comply with VDV.de XSD files
- foreach changed to for in XmlCommon::DisplayContentViaPointDestination2_3 (caused crash for unknown reason)
- VDV301DataStructures
- included VDV301DataStructures as a submodule
- added examples folder
- Vdv301PublisherMinimalExample with CustomerInformationService 2.2CZ1.0
- pregenerated XML content
- Vdv301PublisherCisExample with CustomerInformationService 2.2CZ1.0
- generating of data using VDV301Structures
- Vdv301PublisherMinimalExample with CustomerInformationService 2.2CZ1.0
- new functions
- HttpService::retrieveStructureContentMapValue
- HttpService::updateStructureMap
- HttpService::postToAllSubscribers
- added conditions to succesfully compile with 5.15 (functionality with 5.15 not tested!)
- fix of escaping < in international text type by CDATA section (used for icon and color tags)
- new functions
- XmlCommon::createEscapedValueCdata
- XmlCommon::qStringXmlEscape
- XmlCommon::qDomDocumentToQString
- new functions
- fix of escaping < in international text type by CDATA section (used for icon and color tags)
- globalVersion changed to private (mVersion), added getter and setter
- 2.3
- CurrentDisplayContent fix
- 2.3
- 2.3 out of service Xml generator fix
- XmlCommon
- XmlCommon::DisplayContent2_3
- two row destination fix
- XmlCommon::DisplayContentViaPointDestination2_3
- new function to accomodate storing viaPoints as second row of destination, cycling through different DisplayContents
- XmlCommon::StopPoint2_3
- modified to accomodate storing viaPoints as second row of destination, cycling through different DisplayContents
- XmlCommon::StopPoint2_2CZ1_0
- expected departure added
- scheduled departure added (now same value is stored in both)
- XmlCommon::DisplayContent2_3
- XmlCommon
- DeviceManagementService
- device status support
- status can be changed externally
- device status support
- DeviceManagementService
- application of functions
- HttpServerPublisher::createSubscribeResponse
- HttpServerPublisher::createUnsubscribeResponse
- HttpServerPublisher
- Active=false if unsubscription is successful
- changed response header from UTF-16 to UTF-8
- application of functions
- HttpServerPublisher
- HttpServerPublisher::route
- now reacts to Unsubscribe requests
- HttpService
- HttpService::slotDumpRequestContent
- new overloaded function HttpService::removeSubscriber(Subscriber selectedSubscriber)
- Subscriber
- added == operator
- XmlCommon
- fixed two row destination generator for front display
- HttpServerPublisher::route
- HttpServerPublisher
- all functions in version 2.4 have been renamed to 2.4, because they were made to comply with 2.3 version XSDs and 2.4 specification is not finished yet
- 2.3
- AdditionalTextMessageFix
- XmlCommon::AdditionalTextMessage1_0
- display of AdditionalAnouncements (scrolling/not scrolling)
- XmlCommon::Connections1_0
- fix of bus pictogram
- XmlCommon::DisplayContent1_0
- fix of Destination name for LCD
- XmlCommon::FareZone2_3
- new function
- XmlCommon::FareZoneInformationStructure2_3
- new function
- XmlCommon::AdditionalTextMessage1_0
- VDV301 1.0 Connections fix
- VDV301 2.4 added required tags to comply with official XSD files for VDV301 2.3
- fix of generating Xml responses (change of passing xmlDocument by reference)
- complete translation of sourcecode to English
- passing XmlDocument as parameter
- generation of processingInformation by separate function
- ColorDisplayRules
- fix of unknown submode colors
- new function linkaDoStylu(Linka linka, QString subMode)
- XmlCommon
- metroSubmode icon replacement
- ColorDisplayRules
- 2.4
- inline color formatting (new class ColorDisplayRules)
- removal of line property
- 2.4
- 2.4
- DisplayContent
- 2.4
- nová verze QtZeroConf
- příprava pro verzi 2.4
- příprava pro start v
- HttpSluzba
- nový slot HttpSluzba::slotSluzbaPublikovana
- nový signál signalSluzbaPublikovana(QString nazevSluzby)