This is a program used to test devices compatible with VDV301 1.0, VDV301 2.2CZ1.0 and VDV301 2.2CZ1.0, written in Qt Framework.
XML ROPID timetable import - selecting of a trip by line/trip or line/vehicleRun
map plot of route
voice announcements
configuration with settings file
changing languages in menu (English/Czech)
touch optimised ui (for resolution 800x480px)
VDV301 - deviceManagementService - change V1.0 device ID - get DeviceStatus - get DeviceInformation
- CustomerInformationService - AllData - CurrentDisplayContent - publish and subscribe request - service deiscovery using DNS-SD (Bonjour) - automated subscription and loss of subscription test (development abandoned for now)
VDV300 - manually activated sending telegrams according to IPIS (czech modification of IBIS)
- Asynchronous serial port IBIS sending
- VDV301 - Time service - Location service - CustomerInformationService - GlobalDisplayContent - DeviceManagementService - firmware update in devices - full translation of sourcode to English
- IbisSender - viapoints over certain length will not display on BS210
MP3 files are not provided with the program.
Stop names have to be stored in hlaseni/zastavky folder, using CIS od OIS number.
Special sounds are stored in hlaseni/special
content | filename |
jingle | H000.mp3 |
next stop | H001.mp3 |
request stop | H002.mp3 |
last stop | H113.mp3 |
please, get off | H114.mp3 |
attention, please | H178.mp3 |
fare zone change | H170.mp3 |
transfer to train lines | H184.mp3 |
transfer to Metro | H103.mp3 |
transfer to ferry | H274.mp3 |
A | H104.mp3 |
B | H105.mp3 |
C | H106.mp3 |
A and B | H107.mp3 |
A and C | H108.mp3 |
B and C | H109.mp3 |
QtHttpServer (Qt Maintenance Tool can be used)
OpenSSL (only for HTTPS Golemio access)
QtHttpServer ( (qmake, make, make install)
OpenSSL? (Golemio is not tested on Linux yet)
- 5.15.2 - available in 32bit and 64bit versions
- 6.5.0 - available in 64bit version only - improved spacing of voice announcement segments
- Copy all programs from folder copy_to_program_directory to the build directory
- Copy data.sqlite from folder XmlRopidImportStream to build directory
- Options -> Truncate,
- XML Path -> select file,
- Load XML
Golemio API key has to be set in settings.ini
For HTTPS access to Golemio, OpenSSL needs to be installed with Qt Maintenance tool.
Language can be changed in language parameter in settings.ini file or on the settings tab in the program. Two options are available:
Some of the variable and function names are still in Czech. The translation to English is still in progress.
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone
cd qthttpserver
git submodule update --init --recursive
mingw32-make install
20240611_1858 - VDV301publisher - 2_3 removed ZoneChange to comply with XSD of CIS 2.3 from - XmlRopidImportStream - XmlImportJr::vlozS - added import of columms: sm, np - SqLiteZaklad - SqLiteZaklad::vytvorCasHodinyMinuty - if value from DB is empty string, returns empty string (used to return 00:00) - UI - added departure to stops where arrival is not available and vice versa - SqlRopidXmlQueries::stahniSeznamCelySpojTurnus - added import of ArrivalTime
20240607_1817 - submodule VDV301DataStructures moved to other submodules which require it - IbisSender - VDV301DataStructures includions moved to pisPid and IpisTelegramCompose - MapaVykresleni - changed to MapyApiStops - VDV301publisher - added examples - VDV301DataStructures included - VDV301subscriber - added examples - VDV301DataStructures path changed to one included in VDV301publisher: - VoiceAnnouncer - Golemio - konfigurace - SqlRopidXmlQueries - XmlMpvParser
20240514_1556 - VDV301publisher - 5.15 compatibility fix - VDV301publisher - 5.15 compatibility fix
- VoiceAnnouncer - moved into separate folder - new parent class QueueSoundPlayer
20240514_1039 - VoiceAnnouncer - added option to split this and next stop announcements (announcement type)
20240513_1725 - IbisSender - IpisTelegramCompose - address of the device as variable - added delay between commands - settings.ini -added option IBIS/enable=true
20240510_0038 - splitting IbisOvladani into several classes - settings.ini - added IBIS com port setting - IBIS serial port stop and start added to Change port button - added program icon - VDV301publisher - fix of < escaping using CDATA
20240422_1414 - VDV301subscriber - using XmlParserSubscriber - select ip from list - XmlRopidImportStream - allow to import multiple lines with one license number - settings.ini - devMgmtSubscriber still highly experimental - devMgmtSubscriber2 looks for version 2.2 publishers
20240215_1538 - set ID of selected device in detected devices table - Vdv301subscriber - new version supporting setDeviceID - button to setDeviceId activated
20240214_1029 - rename of mainwindow.ui elements to English - applies to slot names
20240208_1959 - MainWindow - functions reorder
20240208_1900 - MainWindow - most of functions and variable names translated to English - SqlRopidXmlDotazy - renamed to SqlRopidXmlQueries - Hlasic - renamed to VoiceAnnouncer
20240208_1553 - VDV301DataStructures - Vdv301Trip added - VDV301publisher - currentDisplayContent 2.3 fix
20240204_1145 - nastaveni.ini renamed to settings.ini - folders renamed to English - show device status in device detection - new approach for showing LED displays in 2.3 version (using DisplayContent) - VDV301publisher - 2.3 out of service fix - VDV301subscriber - experimental implementation of deviceManagementService v2.2 subscriber - VDV301DataStructures - vehicleState submode default value fix - MainWindow - build number now does not get lost in English translation - new functions - MainWindow::retranslateUi (prepar) - MainWindow::ledLabelInitialize2_3
- LabelVykreslovani - new functions - LabelVykreslovani::ledDisplaySetDisplayContent - LabelVykreslovani::ledWriteToDisplay - new class - LedLabelDisplay - XmlParser - new function - XmlParser::parseAllData2_3 - XmlParser::domTripInformationToVdv301Trip - XmlParser::domStopListToVdv301TripStopList - XmlParser::tripDoSeznamuZastavek2_3
20240123 - SqlRopidXmlDotazy - transferMetroC fix
20240109_1404 - fixed setting golemio API key in configuration tab
20240105_1123 - VDV301publisher - unsubscribe response fix - VDV301subscriber - unsubscribe response fix - HTTP status check - language selector in Settings now works
20231214_1750 - VDV301publisher - unsubscribe functionality - VDV301subscriber - unsubscribe functionality
20231206_2100 - ui - smaller padding in tabWidget_hlavni - removed one excessive Connections checkbox
20231206_2031 - ui - selection of trip from QTableView - added new tabs in Options menu - Connections checkbox moved to Options
- XmlRopidImportStream - new truncate functions - new columns added - timerTrvaniZmenyPasma is not a pointer now -
20231124_1706 - added SQL VACUUM after tables truncate
20231124_1453 - translations fix - new buttons to manually add 2.3 subscriber - manual mode subscriber lists layout change - default language changed to English - removed non-functional STOP requested checkbox from Vehicle run screen - VDV301subscriber - set port number fix - description fixes
20231107_2339 - VDV301publisher - 2.4 functions renamed to 2.3 - VDV301subscriber - 2.4 functions renamed to 2.3 - service name change fix (unsuccessful subscription) - default configuration (nastaveni.ini) - 2.4 CIS renamed to 2.3
20231103_1633 - VDV301publisher - 2.4 farezone compliance - stop requested checkbox in Ride mode
20231101_1601 - VDV301publisher - 1.0 Connections fix
20231030_1931 - detection of subscriber ID fixed - changed english UI translation to comply with VDV301 (connection, trip, vehicle run) - VDV301publisher - fix of wrong xml file generating (XML pass by reference error) - VDV301subscriber - fix of empty service name in DevMgmtSubscriber - DeviceManagementService publisher reenabled
20231030_1401 - English version of libraries - VDV301publisher - VDV301subscriber - VDV301DataStructures
20231025_1111 - XmlRopidImportStream - import now doesn't stop when unknown tag occurs - last version of sourcecode in czech
20230907_1845 - VDV301 publisher - metro icon transfer - VDV301struktury - regionalRail fix - golemio.cpp - debug messages removal - V2.4 subscribers table
20230831_1130 - VDV301publisher VDV301 2.4 - in-line color formatting of line number - removal of lineProperty
20230830_1341 - new verion of VDV301publisher (2.4 viaPoint fix) - new version of VDV301subscriber (subscriber version) - new version of XmlRopidImportStream - import of APC data - timetables import in new class xmlimportjr.cpp - devMgmtSubscriber renamed to deviceManagementServiceSubscriber - MapaVykresleni (mapdrawing module) moved to a submodule
20230622_1447 - VDV301publisher -DisplayContentClass - changelog.txt merged to - hlasic -compability with Qt 5.15 and Qt 6.5
20230614_1001 - VDV301 2.4 - generování různých DisplayContent pro LCD, Front, Side, Rear panely
20230608_1055 - oprava mapy - oprava přiložené databáze
20230607_2028 - verze se dá zkopírovat - verze mapy s příznaky - nová verze VDV301publisher - nový signál SluzbaPublikovana - nová verze VDV301subscriber - nastavení portu - postupné spouštění verzí CustomerInformationService - přesunutí konfiguračních souborů ve zdrojových souborech do samotatné složky
2023_05_22 - úprava mapy (popis spoje) - nová verze DB - nová verze struktura - oprava XML dotazů pro eliminaci duplicitních spojů
2023_05_02 - vykreslení radiusu zastávky
2023_04_25 - změna datového typu souřadnic na double - oprava dotazu pro natažení souřadnic - odmazaní funkčí pro vykreslení mapy využívající přímý zápis HTML
2023_04_24 - možnost zobrazit trasu linky - import GPS souřadnic
2023_02_16_1152 - možnost změnit port u služeb
2023_02_08_1239 - oprava DB - aktualizace XmlImportStream
2023_01_24_1850 18:50 - změna jazyka přes nastaveni.ini
2023_01_24 - konfigurace přes nastaveni.ini