Factorial | Fibonacci | n choose k
Slides | factorial.c | fib.c | choose.c
- https://redirect.cs.umbc.edu/~chang/cs202.f98/readings/recursion.html
- Section 7.3 in https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02383654/file/ModernC.pdf
- https://web.mit.edu/6.005/www/fa15/classes/10-recursion/
- Write a program which prints all permutations of numbers from
$n$ to$n+k-1$ . Input is$n,k$ . (see slides last page). - Write a program which takes input a number
$n$ , and an$n\times n$ matrix and outputs the determinant of that matrix.
Euclids GCD | Fibonacci using Cache | Determinant | Typedef | Enumerating Permutations
slides | fib_cache.c | det.c | perm.c
- Write a recursve program to find the shortest path from
$(1,1)$ to$(n,n)$ in an$n\times n$ grid with obstacles. (see slides for some ideas). - Write a program for enumerating all
$k$ element subsets of an arbitrary$n$ sized set. Algorithm should work on$n = 20, k=10$ reasonably fast.
- Input:$k, n,$ and$S$ (an arbitary set of$n$ numbers)
- Output: Print every subset of$S$ of size$k$ .
- Example: On input 2, 4 and 1 2 3 4, ouput 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 1 3, 1 4, 2 4. Explore: - https://natureofcode.com/book/chapter-8-fractals/
- http://recursivedrawing.com/
GDB | Recrusive Drawing
Recursive Drawing using Skia Fiddle (on web) | Recursive Drawing using Allegro code
- GDB Commandline debugging: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svG6OPyKsrw
- VSCode debugging: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkhHzpXw8F8
- Visualizing Algo: https://visualgo.net/en/recursion
Solution in Skia (web). Skia Drawing Examples: 1 2 3
Mergesort | More GDB | Passing Pointers
slides | sort.c
- Call by Value/Reference: https://www.scaler.com/topics/c/call-by-value-and-call-by-reference-in-c/
- Passing Multidim array to func: https://solarianprogrammer.com/2019/03/27/c-programming-passing-multi-dimensional-array-to-function/
Note that we have been using the last method in the above writeup. - MergeSort: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~goodrich/teach/cs260P/notes/MergeSort.pdf
- Write a recursing program which given an array and a number, returns the position of the number in the array. If the number is not present, returns -1.
- A 2D array M is said to be sorted, if every row and every column of M is sorted. Given an input 2D array, write an progam to sort it.
struct | struct from struct | array of struct | pointer to struct
slides | point.c | draw circles with struct | draw tree with struct
- https://codeforwin.org/2018/06/structures-in-c-programming-need-and-use.html
- https://beginnersbook.com/2014/01/c-structures-examples/
- Go through the examples: https://github.com/gowthamrajk/Structure-and-Pointers-in-C/tree/main/Structure%20in%20C
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_structures.htm
- See the comments in the file for the problem statement: social_nets.c (3 problems are mentioned).
Example application of using Structs to build a Reciept/Customer Management System
slides | srms.c
- Strings in C
https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/c-strings | https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/string-handling-functions - Getting current date time in C
- Modify srms.c to include an option 2 for listing all reciepts for a particular customer. On entering option 2, the program should ask for a phone number and then slow the list of reciepts sorted chronologically.
- Modify srms.c to include option 3 giving the total revenue on a particular day. On entering option 3, the program should ask for a day and print out all the reciepts issued on that day followed by the total revenue.
Enums | Strings in C | Social Network application
slides | enum.c | str.c | social_net.c
- Find mutual friends in social_nets.c
- Given 2 names, check if they connected through their friends.
- Input: 2 strings
- Output: check if there is a person
such thatp
is a friend ofname1
is a friend ofp
- Input: 2 strings