Deploy latest neovim and tree-sitter from GitHub for x86_64 Debian-based systems.
- Install nightly neovim appimage as
- Sync local nvim configuration to remote machines
- Install supporting apt packages
- Install supporting pip packages (uses pipx)
- Install supporting npm packages
By default this role will install neovim and tree-sitter from GitHub. You can toggle either behavior off and/or change which version of each application is installed with variables.
neovim: true
neovim_version: "0.10.4"
treesitter: true
treesitter_version: "0.25.3"
If you want the latest nightly neovim appimage release from GitHub you can set 'neovim_nightly: true' (default: false)
neovim_nightly: true
As most vim users will tell you, it becomes a tool fit to your needs over time. The trouble with this tool is keeping all the moving parts in sync across multiple machines. The 'neovim_pde' toggle seeks to help you capture your development environment configuration in one place and move them onto multiple machines seamlessly
Below are the default values of the role.
neovim_pde: false
# packages
neovim_apt_packages: []
neovim_pip_packages: []
neovim_npm_packages: []
# configuration
neovim_external_config: []
neovim_config_dirs: []
neovim_config_syncs: []
is the toggle that enables/disables this extended syncing mode. When this value is false (default) none of the rest of the other PDE features will run. No packages, No syncs.
There are currently 3 supported packaging systems:
Each packaging variables should contain a list of packages to install. If you select packages from a given source the package manager will also be installed. Your variables file may look something like this.
neovim_pde: true
- neovim
- pynvim
- flake8
In this case the 'npm' and 'pip' package managers will also be installed in their latest state. There are finer-grain controls in the default vars under "digging deeper"
When syncing configuration you need to define a primary_user
who will receive
the configuration. Below I use the 'neovim_config_syncs' list to enumerate which
files and folders within my local ~/.config/nvim/
to synchronize to the remote
Tip: Folders you want to sync should have a trailing /
neovim_pde: true
primary_user: prime
- init.vim
- coc-settings.json
- autoload/
- ftplugin/
- lua/
- plug-config/
- snips/
- spell/
- syntax/
- "/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/nvim"
If you need a folder to exist in the remote $HOME
then it should be defined in
the neovim_config_dirs
list using /home/{{ primary_user }}
as the root of
the path. For example, above I make sure the nvim config folder exists at
/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/nvim
Finally, if you need to copy configuration files that are outside your
~/.config/nvim you can use the neovim_external_config
variable. This variable
should be a list of key-value pairs, 'src:' and 'dest:'.
is the path to the local filedest
is the remote machine path which would receive the 'src' file. Generally these will begin with/home/{{ primary_user }}
- src: ~/.config/flake8
dest: "/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/flake8"
- src: ~/.config/shellcheckrc
dest: "/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/shellcheckrc"
Above I copy the local flake8 and shellcheck configuration files onto remote hosts.
Below I combine all of the above configuration into a single playbook.
- hosts: all
become: true
- gikeymarcia.neovim
neovim_nightly: true
primary_user: mikey
neovim_pde: true
- neovim
- pynvim
- flake8
- init.vim
- coc-settings.json
- autoload/
- ftplugin/
- lua/
- plug-config/
- snips/
- spell/
- syntax/
- "/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/nvim"
- src: ~/.config/flake8
dest: "/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/flake8"
- src: ~/.config/shellcheckrc
dest: "/home/{{ primary_user }}/.config/shellcheckrc"
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