ICPR-24 Competition on Safe Segmentation of Drive Scenes in Unstructured Traffic and Adverse Weather Condition
This repository contains the datasets related to safe segmentation challenge for ICPR-24 Competition on Safe Segmentation of Drive Scenes in Unstructured Traffic and Adverse Weather Condition, ICPR 2024 . For more details, please visit https://mobility.iiit.ac.in/safe-seg-24/
Firstly install the required libraries using
pip install -r requirements.txt
For using first add helpers/ to $PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:helpers/"
The structure is similar to the IDD dataset. That is:
gtFine/{split}/{drive_no}/{img_id}_gtFine_mask.json for ground truths
leftImg8bit/{split}/{drive_no}/{img_id}_rgb.png for image frames
Furthermore for training, label masks needs to be generated as described below resulting in the following files:
See helpers/anue_labels.py
python preperation/createLabels_iddaw.py --datadir $IDDAW --id-type $IDTYPE --color [True|False] --num-workers $C
- IDDAW is the path to the IDD-AW dataset
- IDTYPE can be id, csId, csTrainId, level3Id, level2Id, level1Id.
- color True generates the color masks
- C is the number of threads to run in parallel
The generated files:
- _gtFine_labelLevel3Ids.png will be used for semantic segmentation
First generate label masks as described above. To view the ground truths / prediction masks at different levels of heirarchy use:
python viewer/viewer.py ---datadir $ANUE
- ANUE has the folder path to the dataset or prediction masks with similar file/folder structure as dataset.
TODO: Make the color map more sensible.