Author: Coleman Word [email protected]
Download: go get
License: MIT
_____ ______
/ ____| | ____|
| | __ ___ | |__ __ _____ ___
| | |_ |/ _ \| __| \ \/ / _ \/ __|
| |__| | (_) | |____ > < __/ (__
- Run goexec init to create a default goexec sripting cli in your current directory
- You will be prompted for the name of the directory to create(this will be the name of the cli)
- After entering a directory name, a folder containing the cli, along with a default goexec.yaml will be created
- Enter the created directory and install the program
- Run the command to see the default subcommands and flags
The default generated cli will print its usage if called without any subcommands. It should look like this:
Author: Coleman Word [email protected]
Download: go get
License: MIT
_____ ______
/ ____| | ____|
| | __ ___ | |__ __ _____ ___
| | |_ |/ _ \| __| \ \/ / _ \/ __|
| |__| | (_) | |____ > < __/ (__
## Getting Started
- Run goexec init to create a default goexec sripting cli in your current directory
- You will be prompted for the name of the directory to create(this will be the name of the cli)
- After entering a directory name, a folder containing the cli, along with a default goexec.yaml will be created
- Enter the created directory and install the program
- Run the command to see the default subcommands and flags
The default generated cli will print its usage if called without any subcommands. It should look like this:
## Default Goexec Usage
A goexec cli comes with default subcommands built in.
Here is the usage for a goexec cli that was generated with the name "scripter":
---> Change me to a longer descripton of your goexec cli <---
scripter [command]
Available Commands:
debug debug flags or current configuration
help Help about any command
load download all of your executable dependencies
script run bash scripts
-h, --help help for scripter
--version version for scripter
Use "scripter [command] --help" for more information about a command.
"load" subcommands:
download all of your executable dependencies
scripter load [command]
Available Commands:
get intelligently download folders/files from a remote url
mod download go mod executable dependencies
-h, --help help for load
"debug" subcommands:
debug flags or current configuration
scripter debug [command]
Available Commands:
config debug configuration settings
flags debug current flag settings
-h, --help help for debug
## Configuration
- Your GoExec cli will read in all files that are named either goexec.yaml or goexec.json
- Your configuration settings are automatically synced to environmental variables
- Your configuration settings can be used to template scripts added to the cli
## Templating
- Goexec uses the excellent sprig funcmap functions package ref:
- Goexec renders scripts that contain "{{" with your current configuration settings and the sprig funcmap
if you set name: "Coleman Word" in a goexec.yaml file in your current directory and add the following script:
echo "hello {{ .name }}" >> name.txt
it will create a name.txt file containing "Coleman Word"
p he...
{{abbrevboth 5 10 "1234 5678 9123"}}: ...5678...
{{initials "First Try"}}: FT
{{randNumeric 3}}: 528
{{wrapWith 5 "\t" "Hello World"}}: Hello World
{{contains "cat" "catch"}}: true
{{hasPrefix "cat" "catch"}}: true
{{cat "hello" "beautiful" "world"}}: hello beautiful world
{{"I Am Henry VIII" | replace " " "-"}}: I-Am-Henry-VIII
{{snakecase "FirstName"}}: first_name
{{camelcase "http_server"}}: HttpServer
{{shuffle "hello"}}: holle
{{regexMatch "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}" "[email protected]"}}: true
{{- /*{{regexFindAll "[2,4,6,8]" "123456789"}}*/}}:
{{regexFind "[a-zA-Z][1-9]" "abcd1234"}}: d1
{{regexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}W"}}: -W-xxW-
{{regexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}"}}: -${1}-${1}-
{{regexSplit "z+" "pizza" -1}}: [pi a]
{{if contains "cat" "catch"}}yes{{else}}no{{end}}: yes
{{1 | plural "one anchovy" "many anchovies"}}: one anchovy
{{2 | plural "one anchovy" "many anchovies"}}: many anchovies
{{3 | plural "one anchovy" "many anchovies"}}: many anchovies
## Contributing
Feel free to open up any prs if you find any bugs!
goexec [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
init initialize a new goexec program in your current working directory
-h, --help help for goexec
Use "goexec [command] --help" for more information about a command.
A goexec cli comes with default subcommands built in.
Here is the usage for a goexec cli that was generated with the name "scripter":
---> Change me to a longer descripton of your goexec cli <---
scripter [command]
Available Commands:
debug debug flags or current configuration
help Help about any command
load download all of your executable dependencies
script run bash scripts
-h, --help help for scripter
--version version for scripter
Use "scripter [command] --help" for more information about a command.
download all of your executable dependencies
scripter load [command]
Available Commands:
get intelligently download folders/files from a remote url
mod download go mod executable dependencies
-h, --help help for load
debug flags or current configuration
scripter debug [command]
Available Commands:
config debug configuration settings
flags debug current flag settings
-h, --help help for debug
- Your GoExec cli will read in all files that are named either goexec.yaml or goexec.json
- Your configuration settings are automatically synced to environmental variables
- Your configuration settings can be used to template scripts added to the cli
- Goexec uses the excellent sprig funcmap functions package ref:
- Goexec renders scripts that contain "{{" with your current configuration settings and the sprig funcmap
ex: if you set name: "Coleman Word" in a goexec.yaml file in your current directory and add the following script: echo "hello {{ .name }}" >> name.txt
it will create a name.txt file containing "Coleman Word" Here is a short list of template function examples that can be embedded in a script: (Generating uuid, self-signed certificates, rsa private keys, and more can be rendered at runtime but not listed below)
Semantic Versioning:
{{ semverCompare "1.2.3" "1.2.3" }}
: true
`{{ semverCompare "^1.2.0" "1.2.3" }}`: `true`
`{{ semverCompare "^1.2.0" "2.2.3" }}`: `false`
Deriving Passwords:
{{derivePassword 1 "long" "password" "user" ""}}
: "ZedaFaxcZaso9*"
`{{derivePassword 2 "long" "password" "user" ""}}`: "Fovi2@JifpTupx"
`{{derivePassword 1 "maximum" "password" "user" ""}}`: "pf4zS1LjCg&LjhsZ7T2~"
`{{derivePassword 1 "medium" "password" "user" ""}}`: "ZedJuz8$"
`{{derivePassword 1 "basic" "password" "user" ""}}`: "pIS54PLs"
`{{derivePassword 1 "short" "password" "user" ""}}`: "Zed5"
`{{derivePassword 1 "pin" "password" "user" ""}}`: "6685",
String Manipulation: {{trim " hello "}}: hello
{{trimAll "$" "$5.00"}}: 5.00
{{trimSuffix "-" "hello-"}}: hello
{{upper "hello"}}: HELLO
{{lower "HELLO"}}: hello
{{title "hello world"}}: Hello World
{{untitle "Hello World"}}: hello world
{{repeat 3 "hello"}}: hellohellohello
{{substr 0 5 "hello world"}}: hello
{{nospace "hello w o r l d"}}: helloworld
{{trunc 5 "hello world"}}: hello
{{abbrev 5 "hello world"}}: he...
{{abbrevboth 5 10 "1234 5678 9123"}}: ...5678...
{{initials "First Try"}}: FT
{{randNumeric 3}}: 528
{{wrapWith 5 "\t" "Hello World"}}: Hello World
{{contains "cat" "catch"}}: true
{{hasPrefix "cat" "catch"}}: true
{{cat "hello" "beautiful" "world"}}: hello beautiful world
{{"I Am Henry VIII" | replace " " "-"}}: I-Am-Henry-VIII
{{snakecase "FirstName"}}: first_name
{{camelcase "http_server"}}: HttpServer
{{shuffle "hello"}}: holle
{{regexMatch "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}" "[email protected]"}}: true
{{- /{{regexFindAll "[2,4,6,8]" "123456789"}}/}}: {{regexFind "[a-zA-Z][1-9]" "abcd1234"}}: d1
{{regexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}W"}}: -W-xxW-
{{regexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}"}}: -${1}-${1}-
{{regexSplit "z+" "pizza" -1}}: [pi a]
{{if contains "cat" "catch"}}yes{{else}}no{{end}}: yes
{{1 | plural "one anchovy" "many anchovies"}}: one anchovy
{{2 | plural "one anchovy" "many anchovies"}}: many anchovies
{{3 | plural "one anchovy" "many anchovies"}}: many anchovies
Feel free to open up any prs if you find any bugs!