A roadmap of the initiative petition process to inspire and help folks get started on their own proposals of law.
Hello and welcome! Democracy thrives on active civic participation, and one of the most direct ways for citizens to make an impact is through initiative petitions. However, navigating the initiative petition process can be daunting, with varied rules, deadlines, and requirements across different regions. That's where our tool steps in!
Design a tool for the general public to learn about the initiative petition process, and for advocacy groups to use a roadmap to start their own petition efforts. This tool aims to demystify the initiative petition process by providing:
- Step-by-step guidance tailored for beginners.
- Consolidated resources and information.
- Planning tools to streamline the process and avoid common pitfalls.
Empowerment: Equips users with the knowledge to engage in direct democracy. Accessibility: Brings clarity to a traditionally complex process. Inclusivity: Designed for everyone, from seasoned activists to first-time participants.
Core Research Document URL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XmYDSI5mG2RHkalTGsUxU25Ql2mb6p-5_qy6OnkpFpc/edit?usp=sharing
Figma All Content Prototype URL: https://www.figma.com/proto/16z9nUniDLWDLNZQwgXTjm/From-Thought-to-Law?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=331-9211&viewport=-1508%2C-381%2C0.09&t=RwJieGAsiURwnYFN-1&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=331%3A9211&show-proto-sidebar=1&mode=design
Consolidating information from:
- https://www.mass.gov/filing-initiative-petitions
- https://malegislature.gov/Laws/Constitution#amendmentArticleXLVIII
- https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/download/getting-on-the-ballot/State-Ballot-Question-Petitions.pdf
- Figma
- Illustrator
Desktop research, wireframe, brainstorm sessions, and prototyping version 1.
We are looking for feedback on the following aspects (but feel free to share thoughts on other elements):
- How is this tool useful/not useful?
- What is clear and what is confusing?
- What else would you like to know about the process that is not addressed here?
Option 1: If you have a Figma account, comment on the prototype.
Option 2: Send feedback via email to [email protected].
- www.Mass.gov
- https://malegislature.gov/Laws/Constitution#amendmentArticleXLVIII
- https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/download/getting-on-the-ballot/State-Ballot-Question-Petitions.pdf
- http://files.ocpf.us/pdf/guides/guidestatebq.pdf
- https://ballotpedia.org/Massachusetts_2022_ballot_measures
- https://lwvma.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/LWVMA-BQS-Study-Report-r.pdf