Spyhunt is comprehensive network scanning and vulnerability assessment tool. This tool is designed for security professionals and penetration testers to perform comprehensive reconnaissance and vulnerability assessment on target networks and web applications. It combines multiple scanning techniques and integrates various external tools to provide a wide range of information about the target.
It imports various libraries for network operations, web scraping, and parallel processing.
The script defines a colorful banner and sets up command-line argument parsing for different scanning options.
It includes multiple scanning functions for different purposes:
- Subdomain enumeration
- Technology detection
- DNS record scanning
- Web crawling and URL extraction
- Favicon hash calculation
- Host header injection testing
- Security header analysis
- Network vulnerability analysis
- Wayback machine URL retrieval
- JavaScript file discovery
- Broken link checking
- HTTP request smuggling detection
- IP address extraction
- Domain information gathering
- API endpoint fuzzing
- Shodan integration for additional recon
- 403 Forbidden bypass attempts
- Directory and file brute-forcing
- Local File Inclusion (LFI) scanning with Nuclei
- Google dorking
- Directory Traversal
- SQL Injection
- Subdomain Takeover
- Web Server Detection
- JavaScript file scanning for sensitive info
- Auto Recon
- Port Scanning
- CIDR Notation Scanning
- Custom Headers
- API Fuzzing
- AWS S3 Bucket Enumeration
- JSON Web Token Scanning
The script uses multithreading and multiprocessing to perform scans efficiently.
It includes options to save results to files and customize scan parameters.
The tool integrates with external tools and APIs like Shodan, Nmap, and various web-based services.
It implements various techniques to bypass restrictions and discover vulnerabilities.
The script includes a CIDR notation scanner for port scanning across IP ranges.
git clone https://github.com/gotr00t0day/spyhunt.git
cd spyhunt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 install.py
usage: spyhunt.py [-h] [-sv filename.txt | -wl filename.txt] [-th 25] [-s domain.com]
[-t domain.com] [-d domains.txt] [-p domains.txt] [-r domains.txt]
[-b domains.txt] [-pspider domain.com] [-w https://domain.com]
[-j domain.com] [-wc https://domain.com] [-fi https://domain.com]
[-fm https://domain.com] [-na https://domain.com] [-ri IP] [-rim IP]
[-sc domain.com] [-ph domain.txt] [-co domains.txt] [-hh domain.com]
[-sh domain.com] [-ed domain.com] [-smu domain.com] [-ips domain list]
[-dinfo domain list] [-isubs domain list] [-nft domains.txt]
[-n domain.com or IP] [-api domain.com] [-sho domain.com] [-fp domain.com]
[-db domain.com] [-cidr IP/24] [-ps 80,443,8443] [-pai IP/24]
[-xss https://example.com/page?param=value]
[-sqli https://example.com/page?param=value] [-shodan KEY]
[-webserver domain.com] [-javascript domain.com] [-dp 10] [-je file.txt]
[-hibp password] [-pm domain.com] [-ch domain.com] [-or domain.com]
[-asn AS55555] [-st subdomains.txt] [-ar domain.com] [-jwt token]
[-jwt-modify token] [--s3-scan S3_SCAN] [-v] [-c CONCURRENCY] [-nl] [-gs]
[-e EXTENSIONS] [-x EXCLUDE] [-u] [--shodan-api SHODAN_API]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-sv, --save filename.txt
save output to file
-wl, --wordlist filename.txt
wordlist to use
-th, --threads 25 default 25
-p, --probe domains.txt
probe domains.
-r, --redirects domains.txt
links getting redirected
-fi, --favicon https://domain.com
get favicon hashes
-fm, --faviconmulti https://domain.com
get favicon hashes
-ri, --reverseip IP reverse ip lookup
-rim, --reverseipmulti IP
reverse ip lookup for multiple ips
-sc, --statuscode domain.com
-sh, --securityheaders domain.com
scan for security headers
-ed, --enumeratedomain domain.com
enumerate domains
-isubs, --importantsubdomains domain list
extract interesting subdomains from a list like dev, admin, test and
-webserver, --webserver_scan domain.com
webserver scan
--s3-scan S3_SCAN Scan for exposed S3 buckets
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY
Maximum number of concurrent requests
--shodan-api SHODAN_API
Shodan API key for subdomain enumeration
-u, --update Update the script
Nuclei Scans:
-nl, --nuclei_lfi Find Local File Inclusion with nuclei
-b, --brokenlinks domains.txt
search for broken links
-ph, --pathhunt domain.txt
check for directory traversal
-co, --corsmisconfig domains.txt
cors misconfiguration
-hh, --hostheaderinjection domain.com
host header injection
-smu, --smuggler domain.com
enumerate domains
-fp, --forbiddenpass domain.com
Bypass 403 forbidden
-xss, --xss_scan https://example.com/page?param=value
scan for XSS vulnerabilities
-sqli, --sqli_scan https://example.com/page?param=value
scan for SQLi vulnerabilities
-or, --openredirect domain.com
open redirect
-st, --subdomaintakeover subdomains.txt
subdomain takeover
-jwt, --jwt_scan token
analyze JWT token for vulnerabilities
-jwt-modify, --jwt_modify token
modify JWT token
-pspider, --paramspider domain.com
extract parameters from a domain
-w, --waybackurls https://domain.com
scan for waybackurls
-j domain.com find javascript files
-wc, --webcrawler https://domain.com
scan for urls and js files
-javascript, --javascript_scan domain.com
scan for sensitive info in javascript files
-dp, --depth 10 depth of the crawl
-je, --javascript_endpoints file.txt
extract javascript endpoints
-hibp, --haveibeenpwned password
check if the password has been pwned
Passive Recon:
-s domain.com scan for subdomains
-t, --tech domain.com
find technologies
-d, --dns domains.txt
scan a list of domains for dns records
-na, --networkanalyzer https://domain.com
net analyzer
-ips, --ipaddresses domain list
get the ips from a list of domains
-dinfo, --domaininfo domain list
get domain information like codes,server,content length
-sho, --shodan domain.com
Recon with shodan
-shodan, --shodan_api KEY
shodan api key
-gs, --google Google Search
-nft, --not_found domains.txt
check for 404 status code
-api, --api_fuzzer domain.com
Look for API endpoints
-db, --directorybrute domain.com
Brute force filenames and directories
-pm, --param_miner domain.com
param miner
-ch, --custom_headers domain.com
custom headers
-asn, --automoussystemnumber AS55555
-ar, --autorecon domain.com
auto recon
-e, --extensions EXTENSIONS
Comma-separated list of file extensions to scan
-x, --exclude EXCLUDE
Comma-separated list of status codes to exclude
Port Scanning:
-n, --nmap domain.com or IP
Scan a target with nmap
-cidr, --cidr_notation IP/24
Scan an ip range to find assets and services
-ps, --ports 80,443,8443
Port numbers to scan
-pai, --print_all_ips IP/24
Print all ip
Scan for subdomains and save the output to a file.
python3 spyhunt.py -s yahoo.com --save filename.txt
Scan for subdomains but also extract subdomains from shodan
python3 spyhunt.py -s yahoo.com --shodan API_KEY --save filename.txt
Scan for javascript files
python3 spyhunt.py -j yahoo.com --depth 4 --save jsfiles.txt -c 20
Scan for dns records
python3 spyhunt.py -d domains.txt
Scan for FavIcon hashes
python3 spyhunt.py -fi domain.com
Web Crawler
python3 spyhunt.py -wc https://www.domain.com
Broken Links
python3 spyhunt.py -b https://www.domain.com
Cors Misconfiguration Scan
python3 spyhunt.py -co domains.txt
Host Header Injection
python3 spyhunt.py -hh domains.txt
Host Header Injection With proxy
python3 spyhunt.py -hh domains.txt --proxy http://proxy.com:8080
Directory Brute Forcing
python3 spyhunt.py --directorybrute domain.com --wordlist list.txt --threads 50 -e php,txt,html -x 404,403
Directory Brute Forcing with no extensions
python3 spyhunt.py --directorybrute domain.com --wordlist list.txt --threads 50 -x 404,403
Scanning a subnet
python3 spyhunt.py --cidr_notation IP/24 --ports 80,443 --threads 200
Directory Traversal
python3 spyhunt.py -ph domain.com?id=
sql injection
python3 spyhunt.py -sqli domain.com?id=1
python3 spyhunt.py -xss domain.com?id=1
JavaScript file scanning for sensitive info
python3 spyhunt.py -javascript domain.com
Javascript endpoint fuzzing
python3 spyhunt.py -javascript_endpoint domains.txt -c 20 --save filename.txt
Modify the headers of the request
python3 spyhunt.py -ch domain.com
Parameter bruteforcing
python3 spyhunt.py -pf domain.com
Open Redirect
python3 spyhunt.py -or domain.com -v -c 50
python3 spyhunt.py -hibp password
Subdomain Takeover
python3 spyhunt.py -st domains.txt --save vuln_subs.txt -c 50
Auto Recon
python3 spyhunt.py -ar domain.com
JSON Web Token
python3 spyhunt.py -jwt Token
JSON Web Token Modification
python3 spyhunt.py -jwt-modify Token
AWS S3 Bucket Enumeration
python3 spyhunt.py --s3-scan bucket.com
Heap Dump Analysis
python3 spyhunt.py --heapdump heapdump_file
Spring Boot Actuator Scan
python3 spyhunt.py --heapdump_target domain.com
Heap Dump Scan with file
python3 spyhunt.py --heapdump_file heapdump.txt
Cloud Aws Scan
python3 spyhunt.py --aws_scan domain.com
Cloud Azure Scan
python3 spyhunt.py --azure_scan domain.com
Checks for 403 forbidden domains and saves it to a file
python3 spyhunt.py --forbidden_pages domains.txt
Scan a list of domains to bypass 403 forbidden
python3 spyhunt.py --forbidden_domains domains.txt