Authors: Mykola Panasiuk
This repository contains primary the source code for building NuGet package to Open Source:
- GR8Tech.TestUtils.KafkaClient
This NuGet developed to communicate with Kafka brokers. It contains:
KafkaAdminClient : IKafkaAdminClient
KafkaProducer : IKafkaProducer
KafkaConsumer : IKafkaConsumer
- Serilog as a logger with Context for each class
- Ability to read date from a settings json file
- Support of template variables
- Support cascade settings
- Support full range of kafka client config
- Create default topics from the settings json file
- Delete default topics from the settings json file
- Create topic
- Delete topic
- Support cascade settings
- Support full range of kafka client config
- Produce kafka message in different ways
- Support cascade settings
- Support full range of kafka client config
- Subscribe or Assigne
- Configurable internal buffer
- Ability to filter message after consume and saving to the internal buffer
- Wait for messages to appear with condition
- Wait for no message
Settings file might be named either test-settings.json
or appsettings.json
"KafkaSettings": {
"Producers": {
"my-awesome_producer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-local",
"Config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092"
"KafkaSettings": {
"TemplateVariables": {
"env": "local"
"DefaultClientConfig": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092"
"AdminClients": {
"localhost": {
"Topics": [
"Name": "my-awesome-topic-${env}"
"Consumers": {
"my-awesome_consumer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-${env}"
"Producers": {
"my-awesome_producer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-${env}"
"KafkaSettings": {
"TemplateVariables": {
"env": "local"
"DefaultClientConfig": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"message.max.bytes": "200000000",
"security.protocol": "plaintext",
"ssl.certificate.location": "",
"": "",
"ssl.key.location": ""
"DefaultConsumerSettings": {
"BufferSize": 5000,
"WaiterSettings": {
"RetryCount": 1,
"Interval": "00:00:01"
"SubscribeOverAssign": false,
"IndependentConfig": false,
"Config": {
"": "test-group",
"auto.offset.reset": "latest"
"DefaultProducerSettings": {
"IndependentConfig": false,
"Config": {
"partitioner": "murmur2",
"acks": "all",
"": "20000"
"AdminClients": {
"localhost": {
"IndependentConfig": false,
"Config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092"
"DefaultTopicSettings": {
"PartitionCount": 1,
"ReplicaCount": 1,
"IndependentTopicConfig": false,
"TopicConfig": {
"cleanup.policy": "delete"
"Topics": [
"Name": "simple_string_string-${env}",
"PartitionCount": 1,
"ReplicaCount": 1,
"IndependentTopicConfig": false,
"TopicConfig": {
"cleanup.policy": "delete"
"Consumers": {
"simple_string_string": {
"Topic": "simple_string_string-${env}",
"BufferSize": 5000,
"WaiterSettings": {
"RetryCount": 10,
"Interval": "00:00:01"
"SubscribeOverAssign": false,
"IndependentConfig": true,
"Config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"": "consumer_group_id",
"auto.offset.reset": "latest"
"Producers": {
"simple_string_string": {
"Topic": "simple_string_string-${env}",
"IndependentConfig": false,
"Config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092"
As you can see above from the full list of settings available to you on all levels, there are a few top-level groups of settings:
Thanks to Nullable types you do NOT need to specify each line of settings, all of them are handled implicitly with default values. Also all settings are based on Confluent.Kafka types:
is a base for:AdminClientConfig
Below you can look at the settings diagram:
All examples below will be shown for next settings json file:
"KafkaSettings": {
"TemplateVariables": {
"env": "local"
"DefaultClientConfig": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092"
"AdminClients": {
"localhost": {
"Topics": [
"Name": "my-awesome-topic-${env}"
"Name": "my-awesome-topic-avro-${env}"
"Consumers": {
"my-awesome-consumer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-${env}"
"my-awesome-avro-consumer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-avro-${env}"
"Producers": {
"my-awesome-producer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-${env}"
"my-awesome-avro-producer": {
"Topic": "my-awesome-topic-avro-${env}"
var adminClient = new("localhost");
// Create default topics. New topics "my-awesome-topic-local" will be created
await adminClient.CreateDefaultTopics();
// Create another topic, which is not listed in a settings json file
var topicName = "my-new-topic"
await adminClient.CreateTopic(topicName);
// Delete just created topic
await adminClient.DeleteTopic(topicName);
var producerName = "my-awesome-producer";
var producerAvroName = "my-awesome-avro-producer";
// Create <string, string> producer from the settings json file
var producer = new KafkaProducer<string, string>(producerName);
// Create <string, object> producer from the settings json file
var producer = new KafkaProducer<string, object>(producerName);
// Create AVRO producer from the settings json file
var schemaRegistryClient = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(
new SchemaRegistryConfig{ Url = "http://localhost:8081" });
var producerAvro = new KafkaProducer<string, SimpleAvroClass>(
valueSerializer: new AvroSerializer<SimpleAvroClass>(schemaRegistryClient)
// Produce simple message
var key = "myKey";
var value = "myValue";
var result = await producer.ProduceMessage(key, value);
var consumerName = "my-awesome-consumer";
var consumerAvroName = "my-awesome-avro-consumer";
// Create <string, string> consumer from the settings json file
var consumer = new KafkaConsumer<string, string>(consumerName);
// Create <string, object> consumer from the settings json file
var consumer = new KafkaConsumer<string, object>(consumerName);
// Create AVRO consumer from the settings json file
var schemaRegistryClient = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(
new SchemaRegistryConfig{ Url = "http://localhost:8081" });
var consumerAvro = new KafkaConsumer<string, SimpleAvroClass>(
valueDeserializer: new AvroDeserializer<SimpleAvroClass>(schemaRegistryClient)
// Start consuming
// Add filter for consuming
consumer.AddFilter("my-filter", x => x.Message.Key == keyToSearch);
// Remove filter for consuming
// Wait and get message
var result = await consumer.WaitAndGetMessage(x => x.Message.Key == key);
// Wait and get messages
var result = await consumer.WaitAndGetMessages(x =>
x.Message.Key == key1 || x.Message.Key == key2);
// Wait and get messages with condition
var result = await consumer.WaitAndGetMessages(x =>
x.Message.Key == key1 || x.Message.Key == key2,
r => r.Count == 2);
// Remove saved masseges from internal buffer
consumer.RemoveMessages(x => x.Message.Key == key);