Using PyOP2 to solve graph-based SLAM
This package requires the successful installation of the PyOP2 ( package for setting up graph-based SLAM. A variety of other Python and non-Python packages are needed for that. Files are read using the pandas ( package.
Currently, the file solves the pose graph problem in 2D.
Some toggles:
_SAVE_DATA : save intermediate data to disk (warning, Hessian saved in dense format)
_SAVE_RESULT : save solution to disk
_DEBUG : print a variety of debugging information
_PRINT_CODE; print generated PyOP2 Kernel code
_VERBOSE : print intermediate statements of the computation
_PROFILE : run the profiler
_USE_HUBER: use the robust Huber method instead of standard sum-of-squares
_SOLVE : whether to solve the non-linear least-squares equation
SOLVER_TYPE = 'cg' (linear algebra parameter)
PRECON = 'jacobi' (linear algebra parameter) MAX_ITER = 1 (linear algebra parameter)