Simple example of a cockroachdb cluster over two different kubernetes clusters using skupper. This is based on the example from
You need two kubernetes clusters, the first of of which must be accessible by the other. Note: at present the namespaces on each of these clusters must have the same name.
In the first kubernetes cluster:
- create the cockroachdb statefulset
kubectl apply -f ./cockroachdb-statefulset-g1.yaml
- once those pods are running, initialise the cluster
kubectl apply -f ./cluster-init-g1.yaml
- initialise skupper
skupper init
- expose the statefulset's headless service to the skupper network:
skupper expose statefulset cockroachdb-g1 --headless --port 26257
- create a connection token with which the second kubernetes cluster will connect to this first one
skupper token create site-one.yaml
Now in the second kubernetes cluster:
- initialise skupper
skupper init
- connect the two skupper sites using the connection token created in step 5
skupper link create site-one.yaml
- create another cockroachdb statefulset in the second cluster
kubectl apply -f ./cockroachdb-statefulset-g2.yaml
- expose the headless service of this second statefulset also:
skupper expose statefulset cockroachdb-g2 --headless --port 26257
Once everything has initialised you can verify the cockroachdb cluster now has 5 members by port forwarding on the first cluster:
kubectl port-forward cockroachdb-g1-0 8080
and then accessing http://localhost:8080 with your browser
You can then e.g. scale up the statefulset on the second kubernetes cluster and verify that the console eventually shows the extra nodes.
- populate a sample database
kubectl create job loadgen-1-minute --image=cockroachdb/loadgen-kv:0.1 -- /kv --duration=1m postgres://root@cockroachdb-public:26257/kv?sslmode=disable
The job above will run for 1 minute and will populate records into the kv
table (test
- verify records have been inserted
kubectl run cockroachdb -it --image=cockroachdb/cockroach --rm --restart=Never -- sql --insecure --host=cockroachdb-internal-g1 -e 'select count(*) from test.kv'
kubectl run cockroachdb -it --image=cockroachdb/cockroach --rm --restart=Never -- sql --insecure --host=cockroachdb-internal-g2 -e 'select count(*) from test.kv'