##AirCasting - Share your Air!
This is the AirCasting project - the project aims to build a platform for gathering, visualization and sharing of environmental data. To learn more about the platform visit aircasting.org.
For a Debian/Ubuntu system, the easiest way to start is:
rvm prerequisites
sudo apt-get install bzip2 curl subversion git-core
install rvm
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s -
rvm requirements
sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion pkg-config imagemagick
install ruby
rvm install 2.0.0
rvm use 2.0.0
install database
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
clone sources
git clone git://github.com/LunarLogicPolska/AirCasting.git aircasting
cd aircasting
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
create database
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
run application, by default starts as localhost:3000
bundle exec rails server
If you'd like to contribute just use the usual github process - fork, make changes, issue a pull request.
You can contact the authors by email at [email protected].
###Thanks AirCasting uses The YourKit Java Profiler for Performance Tuning
YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.
The project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPLv3. For more information see COPYING and visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. `