- Kraków, Poland
- http://swirski.name
Demo app that uses the new PhotoScrollerSwiftPackage, updated PhotoScrollerNetwork code
Extract PhotoScrollerNetwork into a Swift Package
Tool for retrieving main colors from the image.
PgMorph gives you a way to handle DB consistency for polymorphic relations and is based on PostgreSQL inheritance and partitioning features.
Javascript library for browser to S3 multipart resumable uploads
Simple jQuery widget that adds spreadsheet-like cell cloning capabilities to HTML tables.
Obsolete - use verifying doubles in RSpec 3
Simple Dependency Injection/Service Locator framework for Rails-like applications.
Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
gswirski / subdomain-fu
Forked from mbleigh/subdomain-fuA new plugin approach to attempting to solve the usage of subdomains in linking and routing in Rails projects.
gswirski / rspec-core
Forked from rspec/rspec-coreRspec-2 runner and formatters
gswirski / pry
Forked from pry/pryan IRB alternative and runtime developer console
gswirski / sympy-live
Forked from sympy/sympy-liveThe source for the code at live.sympy.org
gswirski / mojo
Forked from mojolicious/mojoMojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
gswirski / sympy
Forked from sympy/sympyA computer algebra system written in pure Python
gswirski / bootstrap
Forked from twbs/bootstrapCSS toolkit from Twitter
Small, OS X only script to automatically synchronise your books.
gswirski / Doctrine2-Hierarchical-Structural-Behavior
Forked from hobodave/Doctrine2-Hierarchical-Structural-BehaviorHierarchical Structural Behavior to support Tree structures inside Doctrine2
An experimental PHP framework written to test some design concepts.