coding with art in mind world
Git Once!
Abstract Namespace:
include the plan and design of some paper or others news. study
include good personal namespace and organise namespace.
Reference Namespace: it would include other projects works. And all of them is just work for themselves.
Application Namespace: include the mature projects or application.
Content Namespace: that thing we did or we are doing.
External Namespace:
Further Namespace: that could not do, but want do things.
Index Namespace: that things is helping to search or find things.
Instruction Namespace:
Model Namespace:
Src Namespace: the other Namespace.
Stander format about code decline.
application -> : The ten Earthly Branches (H-S)
used: 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥
future -> : The ten Celestial or Heavenly Stems(E-B)
used: 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸
external ->: Five Elements
used: metal -> wood -> water -> fire -> earth
metal (application) -> wood (data) -> water (arithmetic) -> fire (tools,plugins,components) -> earth (framework)
make sure had been install mkdocs, sphinx sphinx-quickstart, to get more information to visit readthedocs
make html
change theme
with config:
git config --get core.ignorecase true
git submodule add [git@domain:project.git] [module location path]
git submodule init [module] and git submodule update [module]
git submodule update --init --recursive [module]