A list of minimalist frameworks (simple and lightweight). All in alphabetical order.
- Framework for CSS
- Web Framework for C
- Database framework for PHP
- Frameworks for Front-end JS
- Web framework for Go
- Web framework for Haskell
- Web framework for Java
- Web framework for JavaScript
- Web framework for Lua
- Web framework for Node.js
- Web framework for Perl
- Web framework for PHP
- Web framework for Python
- Web framework for Ruby
- Web framework for Scala
- Web framework for .NET (C#)
Use http://refresh-sf.com/ to compress, and get size "Gzip"
Name | Repository | License |
go-horse | https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/go-horse | MIT |
Raphters | https://github.com/DanielWaterworth/Raphters | GPL |
Name | Minimum size (base) | Repository | License |
activerecord | 744KB | https://github.com/bephp/activerecord.git | MIT |
Flourish | 9MB | https://github.com/flourishlib/flourish-classes | MIT |
Medoo | 10KB | https://github.com/catfan/Medoo | MIT |
RedBeanPHP 4 | 289KB | https://github.com/gabordemooij/redbean | BSD |
NotORM | 44KB | https://github.com/vrana/notorm | GNU |
Name | Bower Install | Repository | License |
Aura | bower install aura | https://github.com/aurajs/aura | MIT |
C H O O | npm install choo | https://github.com/yoshuawuyts/choo | MIT |
Kraken | Unknown | https://github.com/cferdinandi/kraken | MIT |
Min.js | Unknown | https://github.com/remy/min.js | MIT |
Reactive.coffee | bower install reactive-coffee | https://github.com/yang/reactive-coffee | MIT |
Responsive | Unknown | https://github.com/ResponsiveBP/Responsive | MIT |
ScaleApp | bower install scaleapp | https://github.com/flosse/scaleApp | MIT |
skel | Unknown | https://github.com/n33/skel | MIT |
Spine | bower install spine | https://github.com/spine/spine | MIT |
Stapes | bower install stapes | http://github.com/hay/stapes | MIT |
Topcoat | bower lookup topcoat | https://github.com/topcoat/topcoat | Apache License V2 |
VertxUI | through Java | https://github.com/nielsbaloe/vertxui | GNU |
Name | Cabal Install | Repository | License |
Scotty | cabal install scotty | https://github.com/scotty-web/scotty | BSD3 |
Snap | cabal install snap | https://github.com/snapframework/snap | BSD3 |
Name | Repository | License |
Stapes | https://github.com/hay/stapes | MIT |
Mithril | https://github.com/lhorie/mithril.js | MIT |
Umbrella | https://github.com/umbrellajs/umbrella | MIT |
Name | LuaRocks Install | Repository | License |
Lapis | luarocks install lapis | https://github.com/leafo/lapis | MIT |
Vanilla | luarocks install vanilla | https://github.com/idevz/vanilla | MIT |
Name | NPM Install | Repository | License |
Express.js | [sudo] npm install express | https://github.com/visionmedia/express | MIT |
Codekart | npm install codekart | https://github.com/myworld4059/Codekart | MIT |
Feathers | npm install -g feathers-cli | https://github.com/feathersjs/feathers | MIT |
Flatiron | [sudo] npm install -g flatiron | https://github.com/flatiron | MIT |
Hapi | npm install hapi | https://github.com/spumko/hapi | Unknown |
Koa | [sudo] npm install koajs | https://github.com/koajs/koa | MIT |
Meryl | npm install meryl | https://github.com/kadirpekel/meryl | MIT |
total.js | npm install total.js | https://github.com/totaljs/framework | MIT |
Restify | npm install restify | https://github.com/mcavage/node-restify | MIT |
SocketStream | [sudo] npm install -g socketstream | https://github.com/socketstream/socketstream | MIT |
Sails.js | [sudo]npm -g install sails | https://github.com/balderdashy/sails | MIT |
Name | cpan install | Repository | License |
Dancer | cpan Dancer | https://github.com/PerlDancer/Dancer | Artistic or GPL v.1 |
Mojolicious | cpan Mojolicious | https://github.com/kraih/mojo | Artistic 2.0 |
Name | Repository | License |
Aurora | https://github.com/frankhale/aurora | GPL |
Nancy | https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/ | MIT |