C++ wrappers of the Python's Hazm module Hazm c++ wrapper from tihu Contributor(s): Mostafa Sedaghat Joo ([email protected])
#include "hazm.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace Hazm;
int main()
Normalizer normalizer;
POSTagger tagger("pos_tagger.model");
std::string normlized_text = normalizer.normalize("جعبه اسرار این معما در پناه حق باز شده است.");
std::string processed_sentences = "";
for (auto &sentence: sent_tokenize(normlized_text)) {
std::vector<std::string> words = word_tokenize(sentence);
std::string fixed_words = "";
for (auto &word: tagger.tag(words)) {
if ((word.type).substr(word.type.length()-1,1) == "Z" ) {
if ((word.word).substr(word.word.length()-2,2) != "ِ") {
if ( (word.word).substr(word.word.length()-2,2) == "ه" and (word.word).substr(word.word.length()-4,2) != "ا") {
word.word += "ی";
word.word += "ِ";
fixed_words += word.word + " ";
processed_sentences += fixed_words;
std::cout << processed_sentences << std::endl;
return 0;
You needs python-dev c++ and also Python's hazm module. You can install it using pip
pip install hazm
run ./make
run ./ezafeh for test