- To help you find all the exercises, we tried to create a logical structure. To further ease grading, we created a short structure list below, to indicate in what file all the exercises are. All files are listed in order of appearance, scrolling from top to bottom.
- PComb.hs
- [Parser Combinator Library] -> Meaning, entire 1.x set of exercises
- BasicParsers.hs
- [Basic Parsers] -> Meaning, entire 2.x set of exercises
- MicroFP.hs
- [EDSL] -> Exercise 3.1
- [EDSL Parsers] -> Exercise 4.1
- [Compile] -> Exercise 4.2
- [Pretty] -> Exercise 3.3
- [Eval + Pattern match] -> Exercise 3.4 && Exercise 5.2
- [runFile] -> Exercise 4.3
- 3-2.txt
- [μFP EDSL - Prog instances] -> Exercise 3.2
- func.txt
- Our file to test
- Our file to test
- functions.txt
- Place to store all functions, to use for testing purposes