The 3 basic needs of human beings are food, shelter and clothing. Parallel, the world population is also growing at a very steep rate. Hence, natural resources such as land and water is always under continuous stress. Moreover, due to deforestation and global warming cultivable land is decreasing. It is estimated that in next 30 years we will have half the cultivable land which we have today. To make a nation healthy and to meet food demands along with the right nutrition and security, agriculture would continue to remain as the top priority sector for any country. To enhance the effciency of the supply chain going inline with the demands of any nation, it is necessary to have effective solutions to iterative tasks like fruit picking, ploughing, sowing etc.
Hence innovation in the agricultural yield will result in great impact on mankind and economy. Articulated robots for fruit picking is a technology that enables autonomy in agriculture processes. As a robotics engineer, I feel it is my moral responsibility to automate arduous jobs done by farmers and increase yield. Hence, this is my motivation to choose the following robot as my modelling project.
Isometric view 1
Isometric view 2
Links are represented with different colours for easy recognation.
DH table of Robot.
Initial position while animation with simmechanics.
Step 1 : Download the attached zip file.
Step 2 : Open SW model parts and open assembly (Parts can be used and edited)(Folder : SW Model)
Step 3 : Run the model and see Forward Kinamatics. Here you can See Parameter values which can be changed to try different results.(Folder : Matlab code/Forward Kinematics.m)
Step 4 : Now after fowrard Kinamatics for validation copy the T matrix as input to inverse kine- matics and check to output.(Validation purpose)(Folder : Matlab code/Inverse Kinematics.m)
Step 5 : Open Curve tracing file to see line diagram tracing the curve.(Folder : Matlab code/CurveTracing.m)
Step 6 : Run simulink model (Folder : simulink /FruitPickupRobotf.slx)
Step 7 : Change values of joint variable and make your own curve to run the robot.(change values inside the FruitPickupRobotfDatafile.m)
Step 8 : Finally we can see video of the output for getting feel of the project.(Folder : Video)
Note:- If changes made in model will need to make an .xml file again and recompute simulation. Any thing else change will result in no issue in the functionality.
Initial position
Final position