Tags: haskellari/postgresql-simple
GHC-8.4 support This is (going to be) a Non-Maintainer Upload, therefore only necessary changes are included compared to At the moment of writing, there are breaking changes in the `master` branch also, for example moving to use `Only` package. Included changes are cherry-picked from master: - Compatibility with Semigroup/Monoid proposal by Ben Gamari - Add some lower-bounds by Oleg Grenrus In addition there are small changes to .cabal file: - `cabal.version: >= 1.10`: - added `default-language: Haskell2010` - changed `extensions` to `default-extensions` - `tested-with` field with GHC 7.6.3 ... 8.4.2 - `source-repository this` points to `hackage-trustees` repository