aka Nguyễn Thanh Phú. I'm an undergraduate student at HCMUTE.
Project's name | HW | Platfrom/Framwork/Tools | Lang | Category | Description | Link |
Smart Decorative Screen aka Agiftforcrush |
Arduino_ESP |
C++ | IoT | A gift for crush (included HW). | link |
jpg2bin565 | N/A | N/A | C++ Makefile |
OOP (Image utils) |
The C++ program to convert an JPG image to BIN image (that can be read and displayed in agiftforcrush. | link |
Computer Organization Practice | 8051_Pro_Kit (AT89C52 inside) | uVsion Kiel | C | Embedded | - Control the compenents are connected to AT89C52 on the kit by config some registers using Clang. - Make driver (I2C, SPI) to read/write with realtime IC, ADC/DAC IC, LCD16x2, HC05-like bluetooth module. |
limk |
MiniSupermarket Management | N/A | Qt | C++ | UI/OOP | Make a app to manage the MiniSupermarket using C++ with Qt framework. | link |
Fire Safety and Monitoring System for Apartments | RPi4 HMi7" |
PySide6/QtPython | PyThon (my part) | IoT | Create a system that can detect gas and fire, trigger an on-site warning, and send notifications to a website. Additionally, it tracks temperature and humidity, and displays the data in a chart on the dashboard. | link |
UI | N/A | PySide6/QtPython | Python | UI | The task in ITFA course to make the local UI for a system. | link |
Flash ADC | N/A | N/A | N/A | IC Design | Design a Flash ADC 3 bits using Cadence with Samsung's 90nm process. | link |
RPi4 Kernel | RPi4 | Makefile Buildroot |
N/A | Embedded | Make a RPi kernel for writing driver/cross-compiling later. | link |
Snakeeee | N/A | N/A | C | N/A | Snake game in console, C-version for a game in 8051_pro_kit . |
link |
Instagram Phone |
hg.xnb 0845939722 Nguyen Thanh Phu [email protected] |
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