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Add more neuron models (LIF with rate coding and temporal coding,
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Izhikevich), learning rules (back propagation, stdp for unsupervised
learning, tempotron, and direct random target projection) in
NeuroCores folder('core_LIF_supervisedlearning', 'core_LIF_supervisedlearning_wta',
'core_temporalcodingLIF_tempotron', 'core_wta_example', 'core_Izhikevich').

(File 'core_supevisedlearning_wat_debugger' is the core without memristor model
to debug the core 'core_supervisedlearning_wta'.)

Update GUI for analysis tool to display weight set for each layer at each
epoch, and fire history and membrane voltage for each neuron through all epochs.(
in '', 'uis/nnanalysis.ui' and 'uis/nnvarsnaprow.ui')

Split training phase and test phase and make memristor parameters customizable(
in '').

Change the virtual memristor array size. Initial values can also be parameterized
with user-defined values (in '').
  • Loading branch information
Jinqi Huang committed Nov 29, 2021
1 parent 74814be commit 025752b
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Showing 20 changed files with 33,065 additions and 759 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions NeuroCores/
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@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
import numpy as np
from .memristorPulses import memristorPulses as memristorPulses
# This core implements Izhikevich neuron model

def normalise_weight(net, w):
PCEIL = 1.0/net.params['PFLOOR']
PFLOOR = 1.0/net.params['PCEIL']

val = net.params['WEIGHTSCALE']*(float(w) - PFLOOR)/(PCEIL - PFLOOR)

# Clamp weights in-between 0.0 and 1.0
if val < 0.0:
return 0.0
elif val > 1.0:
return 1.0
return val

def init(net):
# make sure all counters are reset
net.spikeTrain_cnt = 0
net.errorSteps_cnt = 0
net.errorStepsForTest_cnt = 0
# Renormalise weights if needed
if not net.params.get('NORMALISE', False):

for postidx in range(len(net.ConnMat)):
# For every presynaptic input the neuron receives.
for preidx in np.where(net.ConnMat[:, postidx, 0] != 0)[0]:
old_weight = net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, 0]
new_weight = normalise_weight(net, old_weight)
net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, 0] = new_weight

c = net.params.get('C', -0.065) # after-spike reset value of v
b = net.params.get('B', 0.2) # sensitivity of u to v
for postidx in range(len(net.ConnMat)):
net.state.NeurAccum[0][postidx] = c
net.state.NeurRecov[0][postidx] = b * net.state.NeurAccum[0][postidx]

def neurons(net, time):

rawin = net.rawin # Raw input
stimin = net.stimin[:, time] # Stimulus input for current timestep

inputStimMask = np.hstack((np.ones(net.inputNum), np.zeros(net.outputNum)))
outputLabelMask = np.hstack((np.zeros(net.inputNum), np.ones(net.outputNum)))

inputStim = np.bitwise_and([int(x) for x in inputStimMask], [int(x) for x in stimin]) # split input stimulus and output labels
outputLabel = np.bitwise_and([int(x) for x in outputLabelMask], [int(x) for x in stimin])

full_stim = np.bitwise_or([int(x) for x in rawin], [int(x) for x in inputStim])
net.log("**** FULL_STIM = ", full_stim)

# Izhikevich neuron model: v' = 0.04v^2 + 5v + 140 - u + I
# u' = a(bv - u)
# if v > v_peak_boundary: v <- c, u <- u + d
# v: membrane voltage; u: recovery variable
a = net.params.get('A', 0.02) # time constant of u
b = net.params.get('B', 0.2) # sensitivity of u to v
c = net.params.get('C', -0.065) # after-spike reset value of v
d = net.params.get('D', 0.2) # increment of u after spike
dt = net.params.get('TIMESTEP', 1e-3)
v_peak_boundary = net.params.get('VPEAK', 0.03)

if time > 0:
# if this isn't the first step copy the accumulators
# from the previous step onto the new one
net.state.NeurAccum[time] = net.state.NeurAccum[time-1]
net.state.NeurRecov[time] = net.state.NeurRecov[time-1]

for (idx, v) in enumerate(rawin):
if v != c:
net.state.NeurAccum[time][idx] = c
net.state.NeurRecov[time][idx] += d

# For this example we'll make I&F neurons - if changing this file a back-up
# is strongly recommended before proceeding.

# -FIX- implementing 'memory' between calls to this function.
# NeurAccum = len(net.ConnMat)*[0] #Define neuron accumulators.
# Neurons that unless otherwise dictated to by net or ext input will
# fire.
wantToFire = len(net.ConnMat)*[0]

# STAGE I: See what neurons do 'freely', i.e. without the constraints of
# WTA or generally other neurons' activities.
for postidx in range(len(net.state.NeurAccum[time])):

v = net.state.NeurAccum[time][postidx]
u = net.state.NeurRecov[time][postidx]#!!!!!
dv = v * v * 0.04 + v * 5 + 140 - u
du = a * (b * v - u)
#For every presynaptic input the neuron receives.
for preidx in np.where(net.ConnMat[:, postidx, 0] != 0)[0]:

# Excitatory case
if net.ConnMat[preidx, postidx, 2] > 0:
# net.log("Excitatory at %d %d" % (preidx, postidx))
# Accumulator increases as per standard formula.
dv += full_stim[preidx] * net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, time]

net.log("POST=%d PRE=%d NeurAccum=%g full_stim=%g weight=%g" % \
(postidx, preidx, net.state.NeurAccum[time][postidx], \
full_stim[preidx], net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, time]))

# Inhibitory case
elif net.ConnMat[preidx, postidx, 2] < 0:
# Accumulator decreases as per standard formula.
dv -= full_stim[preidx]*net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, time]

net.state.NeurAccum[time][postidx] += dv * dt
net.state.NeurRecov[time][postidx] += du * dt #!!!!!!!!

# Have neurons declare 'interest to fire'.
for neuron in range(len(net.state.NeurAccum[time])):
if net.state.NeurAccum[time][neuron] > v_peak_boundary:
# Register 'interest to fire'.
wantToFire[neuron] = 1

# STAGE II: Implement constraints from net-level considerations.
# Example: WTA. No resitrictions from net level yet. All neurons that
# want to fire will fire.
net.state.firingCells = wantToFire

# Barrel shift history
net.state.fireHist[:-1, np.where(np.array(full_stim) != 0)[0]] = \
net.state.fireHist[1:, np.where(np.array(full_stim) != 0)[0]]
# Save last firing time for all cells that fired in this time step.
net.state.fireHist[net.DEPTH, np.where(np.array(full_stim) != 0)[0]] = \

# Load 'NN'.
net.state.fireCells[time] = full_stim
net.state.errorList = wantToFire - outputLabel

#############!!!!!!!!!!No valid learning rule yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#######################

def plast(net, time):

if time+2 > net.epochs:

rawin = net.rawin # Raw input
stimin = net.stimin[:, time] # Stimulus input

full_stim = np.bitwise_or([int(x) for x in rawin], [int(x) for x in stimin])

net.state.weights[:, :, time+1] = net.state.weights[:, :, time]

noiseScale = net.params.get('NOISESCALE', 0.01)
learningRate = net.params.get('LEARNINGRATE', 0.001)

directRandomTargetProj = np.matmul(net.state.fixedRandomWeights[:, net.outputNum:].T, outputLabel[net.outputNum:])

for neuron in range(len(rawin)-1, -1, -1): # update from the reversed order, in case the error hasn't been updated
if neuron >= fullNum - net.outputNum: # output neurons
# delta = (y - y_hat)*noise
# gradient = delta * input
delta = (rawin[neuron] - outputLabel[neuron])
error[neuron] = delta * np.random.rand() * noiseScale
print("neuron %d has delta %f and error %f" % (neuron, delta, error[neuron]))
elif neuron < fullNum - net.outputNum and neuron >= net.inputNum: # hidden neurons
error[neuron] = directRandomTargetProj[neuron] * np.random.rand() * noiseScale
else: # input neuron

if error[neuron] == 0.0:

# For every presynaptic input the neuron receives, back propogate the error
for preidx in np.where(net.ConnMat[:, neuron, 0] != 0)[0]:
w,b = net.ConnMat[preidx, neuron, 0:2]
if allNeuronsThatFire[preidx] == 0:
grad = error[neuron] * allNeuronsThatFire[preidx]
print(" gradient: %f" % grad)
dW = (-1) * learningRate * grad
if dW > 0: # conductance needs to be larger, so a negative pulse is suplied
pulseList = net.neg_pulseList
pulseList = net.pos_pulseList
print(" weight change: %f" % dW)
p = dW + net.state.weights[preidx, neuron, time+1] # new weights
#print(" final weight should be: %f" % p)
# look up table mapping
R_expect = 1 / p #expected R
#print('expected R:', R_expect)
R =, b) # current R
#print('current R:', R)
virtualMemristor = memristorPulses(net.dt, net.Ap, net.An, net.a0p, net.a1p, net.a0n, net.a1n,,, R)
pulseParams = virtualMemristor.BestPulseChoice(R_expect, pulseList) # takes the best pulse choice
#print('pulse selected:', pulseParams)
net.pulse(w, b, pulseParams[0], pulseParams[1])
R_real =, b)
#print('new R:', R_real)
p_real = 1 / R_real
#print('new weight:', p_real)
p_error = p_real - p
#print('weight error:', p_error)
if net.params.get('NORMALISE', False):
net.state.weights[preidx, neuron, time+1] = normalise_weight(net, p_real)
net.state.weightsExpected[preidx, neuron, time+1] = normalise_weight(net, p)
net.state.weightsError[preidx, neuron, time+1] = normalise_weight(net, p_error)
net.state.weights[preidx, neuron, time+1] = p_real
net.state.weightsExpected[preidx, neuron, time+1] = p
net.state.weightsError[preidx, neuron, time+1] = p_error
net.log(" weight change for synapse %d -- %d from %f to %f" % (preidx, neuron, net.state.weights[preidx, neuron, time], net.state.weights[preidx, neuron, time+1]))

# For every valid connection between neurons, find out which the
# corresponding memristor is. Then, if the weight is still uninitialised
# take a reading and ensure that the weight has a proper value.
for preidx in range(len(rawin)):
for postidx in range(len(rawin)):
if net.ConnMat[preidx, postidx, 0] != 0:
w, b = net.ConnMat[preidx, postidx, 0:2]
if net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, time] == 0.0:
net.state.weights[preidx, postidx, time] = \
1.0/, b, "NN")

net.state.errorSteps_cnt = time

def neuronsForTest(net, time):

rawin = net.rawin # Raw input
stimin = net.stiminForTesting[:, time] # Stimulus input for current timestep

inputStimMask = np.hstack((np.ones(net.inputNum), np.zeros(net.outputNum)))
outputLabelMask = np.hstack((np.zeros(net.inputNum), np.ones(net.outputNum)))

inputStim = np.bitwise_and([int(x) for x in inputStimMask], [int(x) for x in stimin]) # split input stimulus and output labels
outputLabel = np.bitwise_and([int(x) for x in outputLabelMask], [int(x) for x in stimin])

full_stim = np.bitwise_or([int(x) for x in rawin], [int(x) for x in inputStim])
net.log("**** FULL_STIM = ", full_stim)

# Izhikevich neuron model: v' = 0.04v^2 + 5v + 140 - u + I
# u' = a(bv - u)
# if v > v_peak_boundary: v <- c, u <- u + d
# v: membrane voltage; u: recovery variable
a = net.params.get('A', 0.02) # time constant of u
b = net.params.get('B', 0.2) # sensitivity of u to v
c = net.params.get('C', -0.065) # after-spike reset value of v
d = net.params.get('D', 0.2) # increment of u after spike
dt = net.params.get('TIMESTEP', 1e-3)
v_peak_boundary = net.params.get('VPEAK', 0.03)

if time > 0:
# if this isn't the first step copy the accumulators
# from the previous step onto the new one
net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time] = net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time-1]
net.state.NeurRecovForTest[time] = net.state.NeurRecovForTest[time-1]

for (idx, v) in enumerate(rawin):
if v != c:
net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time][idx] = c
net.state.NeurRecovForTest[time][idx] += d

# For this example we'll make I&F neurons - if changing this file a back-up
# is strongly recommended before proceeding.

# -FIX- implementing 'memory' between calls to this function.
# NeurAccum = len(net.ConnMat)*[0] #Define neuron accumulators.
# Neurons that unless otherwise dictated to by net or ext input will
# fire.
wantToFire = len(net.ConnMat)*[0]

# STAGE I: See what neurons do 'freely', i.e. without the constraints of
# WTA or generally other neurons' activities.
for postidx in range(len(net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time])):

v = net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time][postidx]
u = net.state.NeurRecovForTest[time][postidx]#!!!!!
dv = v * v * 0.04 + v * 5 + 140 - u
du = a * (b * v - u)
#For every presynaptic input the neuron receives.
for preidx in np.where(net.ConnMat[:, postidx, 0] != 0)[0]:

# Excitatory case
if net.ConnMat[preidx, postidx, 2] > 0:
# net.log("Excitatory at %d %d" % (preidx, postidx))
# Accumulator increases as per standard formula.
dv += full_stim[preidx] * net.weightsForTest[preidx, postidx, time]

net.log("POST=%d PRE=%d NeurAccum=%g full_stim=%g weight=%g" % \
(postidx, preidx, net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time][postidx], \
full_stim[preidx], net.weightsForTest[preidx, postidx, time]))

# Inhibitory case
elif net.ConnMat[preidx, postidx, 2] < 0:
# Accumulator decreases as per standard formula.
dv -= full_stim[preidx]*net.weightsForTest[preidx, postidx, time]

net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time][postidx] += dv * dt
net.state.NeurRecovForTest[time][postidx] += du * dt #!!!!!!!!

# Have neurons declare 'interest to fire'.
for neuron in range(len(net.state.NeurAccum[time])):
if net.state.NeurAccumForTest[time][neuron] > v_peak_boundary:
# Register 'interest to fire'.
wantToFire[neuron] = 1

# STAGE II: Implement constraints from net-level considerations.
# Example: WTA. No resitrictions from net level yet. All neurons that
# want to fire will fire.
net.state.firingCellsForTest = wantToFire

# Barrel shift history
net.state.fireHistForTest[:-1, np.where(np.array(full_stim) != 0)[0]] = \
net.state.fireHistForTest[1:, np.where(np.array(full_stim) != 0)[0]]
# Save last firing time for all cells that fired in this time step.
net.state.fireHistForTest[net.DEPTH, np.where(np.array(full_stim) != 0)[0]] = \

# Load 'NN'.
net.state.fireCellsForTest[time] = full_stim
net.state.errorListForTest = wantToFire - outputLabel

def additional_data(net):
# This function should return any additional data that might be produced
# by this core. In this particular case there are None.
return None

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