This project is based on groundingDINO and clip model.
- If you have a CUDA environment, please make sure the environment variable
is set. It will be compiled under CPU-only mode if no CUDA available.
Please make sure following the installation steps strictly, otherwise the program may produce:
NameError: name '_C' is not defined
If this happened, please reinstalled the groundingDINO by reclone the git and do all the installation steps again.
If it print nothing, then it means you haven't set up the path/
Run this so the environment variable will be set under current shell.
export CUDA_HOME=/path/to/cuda-11.3
Notice the version of cuda should be aligned with your CUDA runtime, for there might exists multiple cuda at the same time.
If you want to set the CUDA_HOME permanently, store it using:
echo 'export CUDA_HOME=/path/to/cuda' >> ~/.bashrc
after that, source the bashrc file and check CUDA_HOME:
source ~/.bashrc
In this example, /path/to/cuda-11.3 should be replaced with the path where your CUDA toolkit is installed. You can find this by typing which nvcc in your terminal:
For instance, if the output is /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc, then:
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda
- Clone the code repository from GitHub.
git clone
- Change the current directory to the logo_detection folder.
cd logo_detection/
- Install the required dependencies in the current directory.
pip install -e .
- Install clip.
pip install git+
- Download pre-trained model weights.
mkdir weights
cd weights
# put groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth and in this dir
cd ..
Check your GPU ID (only if you're using a GPU)
Change CLIP_PTH and CLASS_JSON_PTH to the paths of files '' and 'class_indices.json' in demo/
Replace {GPU ID}
, image_you_want_to_detect.jpg
with appropriate values in the following command
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={GPU ID} python demo/ -i image_you_want_to_detect.jpg
[--cpu-only] # open it for cpu mode