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Write Tensorflow code in a modular fashion. Example in Test.hs:

sigmoid_f :: T -> T -> T -> Flow T
sigmoid_f a b x = save $ sigmoid (x * a + b)

sigmoid_layer :: Polynomial -> Polynomial -> T -> Flow T
sigmoid_layer m n x = do
  a <- initVarWithDefault "A" [m,n]
  b <- initVarWithDefault "b" [n]
  sigmoid_f a b x

multilayer_code :: Flow T
multilayer_code = do
  setDefaultInits "tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2)"
  let b = pref "b_dim"
  let n = pref "n_dim"
  x <- initPH "x" [b, n] --initialize placeholder
  stacks "sigmoid_layer" 2 (sigmoid_layer n n) x

Compile the code using compile_. Use compileWithShapes to check and output the dimensions of the tensors.

multilayer_test = putStrLn $ compile_ multilayer_code

multilayer_test2 = putStrLn $ compileWithShapes multilayer_code 


$ multilayer_test

_a = get_variable("x", [b_dim,n_dim], var_type="placeholder")
with tf.variable_scope("sigmoid_layer1"):
    _b = get_variable("A", [n_dim,n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
    _c = get_variable("b", [n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
    _d = tf.sigmoid(((_a * _b) + _c))
with tf.variable_scope("sigmoid_layer2"):
    _e = get_variable("A", [n_dim,n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
    _f = get_variable("b", [n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
    _g = tf.sigmoid(((_d * _e) + _f))
_h = _g

Inferring the shapes:

$ multilayer_test2 

# x : [b_dim,n_dim]
_a = get_variable("x", [b_dim,n_dim], var_type="placeholder")
with tf.variable_scope("sigmoid_layer1"):
# A : [n_dim,n_dim]
    _b = get_variable("A", [n_dim,n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
# b : [n_dim]
    _c = get_variable("b", [n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
# _a : [b_dim,n_dim]
# _b : [n_dim,n_dim]
# (_a * _b) : [b_dim,n_dim]
# _c : [n_dim]
# ((_a * _b) + _c) : [b_dim,n_dim]
# tf.sigmoid(((_a * _b) + _c)) : [b_dim,n_dim]
    _d = tf.sigmoid(((_a * _b) + _c))
with tf.variable_scope("sigmoid_layer2"):
# A : [n_dim,n_dim]
    _e = get_variable("A", [n_dim,n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
# b : [n_dim]
    _f = get_variable("b", [n_dim], tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-2))
# _d : [b_dim,n_dim]
# _e : [n_dim,n_dim]
# (_d * _e) : [b_dim,n_dim]
# _f : [n_dim]
# ((_d * _e) + _f) : [b_dim,n_dim]
# tf.sigmoid(((_d * _e) + _f)) : [b_dim,n_dim]
    _g = tf.sigmoid(((_d * _e) + _f))


  • Shape computation
    • Check broadcasting behavior.
    • What if shape depend on arguments?
  • Higher-order functions on tensors
    • Tricky because, ex. type signature is something like (c -> T -> Flow (c, T)) -> c -> T -> Flow (c, [T]). To do shape-checking we need to constrain c. Idea: Add a type class MadeOfT containing nested tuples of T's.
  • Add more functions!
  • Instance declarations right now require type annotations like 1::Int. How to get around this?
  • Python foreign function interface


Write Haskell, compile to Tensorflow






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