To learn how to use Python's statsmodel, pmdarima and fbprophet Packages to analyze and forecast time series.
Please, select a folder of your interest and download this repository to it. Remember that Anaconda python distribution should be installed prior to the execution of any content. To install it, please follow the instructions here:
Once you have downloaded this repository, go inside the time-series-final-work
folder and execute the following command to create an ad-hoc environment to work:
conda env create -f environment.yml --prefix ./time-series-final-work-env
After running this command, you will see a message saying that, in order to activate this new environment, you should execute
conda activate full/path/to/time-series-final-work-env
Please, do as requested.
Finally, in order to be able to access this environment from within a Jupyter Lab Session execute the following command,
python -m ipykernel install --user --name time-series-final-work-env --display-name="time-series-final-work-ker"
followed by
jupyter lab
and select the notebook of interest.