With Outputs
- Basic Gates plus XOR,X-NOR
- Half Adder & Full Adder
- Encoder & Decoder
- Mux, Priority Encoder, Magnitude Comparator
- Parity Generator WITH THEORY
- Parity Checker WITH THEORY
- SR,JK,T and D Flip Flop
- SR,JK,T and D Flip Flop With Clock
- Parallel Adder
- Carry Look Ahead Adder
- BCD Adder
- Binary to Gray
- Gray to Binary
- BCD to Excess-3
- Excess-3 to BCD
- 4 Bit ALU
- 8 Bit ALU
- 8 Bit Adder
- 4 Bit up Counter
- 4 Bit down Counter
- 4 Bit Up/Down Counter
- Modulus-3 Counter
- Modulus-4 Counter
- Boot's Multiplication
- Restoring Device
- Non-Restoring Device
With Outputs
- Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation
- Frequency Modulation & Demodulation
- Phase Modulation
- Amplitude Shift Keying Modulation & Demodulation Demodulation in Day 7
- Frequency Shift Keying Modulation & Demodulation
- BPSK Modulation & Demodulation
- PAM Modulation
- PAM Modulation; Normal-Type
- PAM Modulation; Flat-Type
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Pulse Code Modulation
With Outputs
- Newton Raphson
- Bisection
- Regula Falsi
- Trapezoidal WITH ALGORITHM
- Simpson's 1/3 WITH ALGORITHM
- Euler's Method WITH ALGORITHM
- Euler's Modified Method WITH ALGORITHM
- Runge-Kutta Method WITH ALGORITHM
- Gauss Seidal Method WITH ALGORITHM
- Gauss Elimination Method WITH ALGORITHM
- Lagrange Interpolation WITH ALGORITHM
- Forward Interpolation WITH ALGORITHM
- Backward Interpolation WITH ALGORITHM
- Vary Dimension of a Circle
- Calculation of BMI
- Marks Distribution
- Interest of Amount
- Capital Selection from Combo Box
- Add item and to Delete them from List Box
- Change formating of Text by Check Boxes
- Multiplication Table
- Selective Bold on checking Checkboxes
- Validity of a Number
- Validity of a Number until satisfied
- Print Pattern WITH OUTPUT
- Print Character Pattern WITH OUTPUT
- Submit and Retrieve Data from Different Forms WITH OUTPUT
- Timer Based Traffic Light WITH OUTPUT
- Chnage shape of Object WITH OUTPUT
- Call By Refernce WITH OUTPUT
- Call By Value WITH OUTPUT
- FrameBox CBV,CBR,Factorial WITH OUTPUT
- Array FrameWork WITH OUTPUT