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Gathering HUD HMIS Responses with the Survey Tool

Eric Jahn edited this page Aug 31, 2018 · 33 revisions

You can create surveys which contain a given HUD HMIS Data Standard's questions (v2017, v2016, etc., see versions).

Fetch HUD HMIS questions

Copy HUD HMIS version specific questions over to a new or existing custom question group

Get survey responses to HUD HMIS questions

Update responses in HUD HMIS schema (necessary for canned HUD HMIS reports to work)

  1. Use the question's specific updateURITemplate to also add the response to the HMIS version specific schema. This will validate the response, and store the response in a place from which HMIS reports can be generated. API call example:

If the HUD question is relationshiptohoh and this field belongs to enrollment entity and as a result updateURITemplate would be:

PUT hmis-clientapi/rest/v2017/clients/{clientid}/enrollments/{enrollmentid}

API Docs:

  1. The updateURITemplate will be maintained for each HUD question. Responses should be submitted using the updateURITemplate. Please note that this updateURITemplate is only a reference API that needs to be invoked to update the response. You need to map the exact request body from the API documentation that is relevant to the updateURITemplate.

If the HUD question is relationshiptohoh and this field belongs to enrollment entity and as a result updateURITemplate would be

GET hmis-clientapi/rest/v2017/clients/{clientid}/enrollments/{enrollmentid}

API Docs:

Access the HUD and Survey Schema Data from the Big Data Warehouse

HUD HMIS Schema Data

The HMIS responses separately stored in the HMIS version specific schemas (v2017, v2016, etc.) are also available from the Data Warehouse via Hive or Impala. This data is used for canned HUD HMIS report generation. The response data is not stored as JSON documents as in the Survey Schema Data; just as tabular response codes.

Arriving 8/31/2018: The version specific HUD HMIS questions and picklist enumeration allowable response values will also be available in separate tables within the same schema, for reporting reference.

Survey Schema Data

Arriving 8/31/2018: The HMIS questions and responses in the Survey Tool will be available via the Data Warehouse (Hive), along with the custom questions and responses, as JSON 'snapshot' documents.

You will see a question table which represents a survey question. Adjacent to the question, for HUD HMIS questions only, you will see a HUD HMIS schema question version indicator, e.g. hud_question_2017, or hud_question_2016, etc..