This package currently depends on a specific version of pyspedas. Please clone pyspedas to the same folder as this package.
All data will be loaded with LoadData.LoadTimeSeriesWrapper.
- sc (spacecraft)
- 0: PSP
- 1: Solar Orbiter
- 2: Helios 1
- 3: Helios 2
- start_time/end_time pd.Timestamp
- settings = None a dictionary containing all the detailed settings
- credentials = None a dictionary containing all the credentials to load data (only for PSP)
- df
a dataframe of the time series with standardized output:
- Br/Bt/Bn [nT] magnetic field in RTN coordinate
- Bx/By/Bz [nT] (Optional) magnetic field in spacecraft coordinate
- Vr/Vt/Vn [km/s] proton speed in RTN coordinate
- Vx/Vy/Vz [km/s] (Optional) proton speed in spacecraft coordinate
- np [cm^-3] proton number density
- Tp [K] proton temperature
- Vth [km/s]
proton thermal speed (
$\frac{1}{2}m_p v_{th}^2 = k_B T_p$ ) - Dist_au [AU] distance from the sun in Astronomical Unit
Additional infos
- lon/lat dimensionless, carrington longitude/latitude
- Vsc_[r/t/n] spacecraft speed in RTN coordinate