I am using this dockerfile for Meteor + Graphicsmagick and using MUP to deploy it.
Make this change to your mup.js file
docker: {
image: "huguesjoyal/meteor-graphicsmagick",
Then make sure you are also making a volume available to docker if you want to map something to a permenant location so your files arenn't deleted when you do new mup deploys.
volumes: {
"/opt/uploads": "/uploads"
Here is my whole mup.js file for reference.
module.exports = {
servers: {
one: {
host: '',
username: 'myusername',
opts: {
port: 1235
meteor: {
name: 'meteorapp',
path: '/Users/mylocalusername/meteor/meteorapp',
volumes: {
"/opt/uploaddirectory": "/uploaddirectory"
docker: {
image: "joshjoe/meteor-graphicsmagick",
servers: {
one: {}
buildOptions: {
debug: true,
serverOnly: true,
env: {
PORT: "80",
ROOT_URL: 'http://subdomain.domain.com',
MONGO_URL: 'mongodb://localhost/meteor'
deployCheckWaitTime: 120
mongo: {
oplog: true,
port: 27017,
servers: {
one: {},