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AsyncBatcher - Asynchronous Batching for Python


AsyncBatcher is a generic, asynchronous batch processor for Python that efficiently groups incoming items into batches and processes them asynchronously. It is designed for scenarios where multiple requests or tasks need to be handled in batches to improve efficiency and throughput.

Key Features

  • Asynchronous processing: Uses asyncio for non-blocking execution.
  • Batching mechanism: Groups items into batches based on size or time constraints.
  • Concurrency control: Limits the number of concurrent batch executions.
  • Custom processing logic: Users must implement the process_batch method to define batch behavior.
  • Queue management: Uses an asyncio.Queue to manage incoming items.
  • Error handling: Ensures robust error reporting and handling.

How it works

1. Receiving Items for Processing

  • Users call process(item), which adds the item to an internal queue.
  • A Future object is returned immediately and the result is awaited asynchronously.

2. Queue Management and Batching

  • A background task (run()) continuously monitors the queue.
  • Items are collected into batches based on:
    • max_batch_size: Maximum items per batch.
    • max_queue_time: Maximum time an item can wait before being processed.
  • Once a batch is ready, it is passed to the processing function.

3. Processing the Batch

  • If process_batch is asynchronous, it is awaited directly.
  • If process_batch is synchronous, it runs inside an Executor.
  • Each item’s future is resolved with the corresponding processed result.

4. Concurrency Control

  • If concurrency > 0, a semaphore ensures that only a limited number of batches are processed simultaneously.
  • Otherwise, all batches run concurrently.

5. Stopping the Batcher

  • Calling stop(force=True) cancels all ongoing tasks.
  • Calling stop(force=False) waits for pending items to be processed before shutting down.
    participant User
    participant AsyncBatcher
    participant Queue as asyncio.Queue
    participant RunLoop
    participant Semaphore
    participant BatchProcessor

    User->>AsyncBatcher: process(item)
    activate AsyncBatcher
    AsyncBatcher->>Queue: put(QueueItem(item, future))
    AsyncBatcher-->>User: returns future
    deactivate AsyncBatcher

    Note over AsyncBatcher: Starts RunLoop on first process()

    loop Run Loop (run() method)
        RunLoop->>Queue: Collect items (max_batch_size/max_queue_time)
        activate Queue
        Queue-->>RunLoop: Batch [QueueItem1, QueueItem2...]
        deactivate Queue

        alt Concurrency Limited (concurrency > 0)
            RunLoop->>Semaphore: acquire()
            activate Semaphore
            Semaphore-->>RunLoop: acquired
            deactivate Semaphore

        RunLoop->>BatchProcessor: create_task(_batch_run(batch))
        activate BatchProcessor

        alt Async process_batch
            BatchProcessor->>AsyncBatcher: await process_batch(batch)
        else Sync process_batch
            BatchProcessor->>Executor: run_in_executor(process_batch)

        AsyncBatcher-->>BatchProcessor: results [S1, S2...]
        BatchProcessor->>QueueItem1.future: set_result(S1)
        BatchProcessor->>QueueItem2.future: set_result(S2)
        deactivate BatchProcessor

        alt Concurrency Limited
            RunLoop->>Semaphore: release()

    Note over User, BatchProcessor: User's await future gets resolved

How to use

To use the library, you need to install the package in your environment. You can install the package using pip:

pip install async-batcher

Then, you can create a new AsyncBatcher class by implementing the process_batch method:

import asyncio
import logging

from async_batcher.batcher import AsyncBatcher

class MyBatchProcessor(AsyncBatcher[int, int]):
    async def process_batch(self, batch: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)  # Simulate processing delay
        return [x * 2 for x in batch]  # Example: Doubling each item

async def main():
    batcher = MyBatchProcessor(max_batch_size=5, max_queue_time=2.0, concurrency=2)
    results = await asyncio.gather(*[batcher.process(i) for i in range(10)])
    print(results)  # Output: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
    await batcher.stop()

# Set logging level to DEBUG if you want to see more details and understand the flow


The benchmark is available in the file.

When to Use AsyncBatcher?

The AsyncBatcher library is ideal for applications that need to efficiently handle asynchronous requests in batches, such as:

Machine Learning Model Serving

  • Batch-processing requests to optimize inference performance (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn).

Database Bulk Operations

  • Inserting multiple records in a single query to improve I/O efficiency and reduce costs (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, AWS DynamoDB).

Messaging and Network Optimization

  • Sending multiple messages in a single API call to reduce latency and costs (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ, AWS SQS, AWS SNS).

Rate-Limited API Calls

  • Aggregating requests to comply with API rate limits (e.g., GitHub API, Twitter API, OpenAI API).

Final Notes

  • Implement process_batch according to your needs.
  • Ensure max_batch_size and max_queue_time are configured based on performance requirements.
  • Handle exceptions inside process_batch to avoid failures affecting other tasks.