A Jenga simulation in C++. Specifications will be added later, but some interesting problems it tackled were calculating the center of mass for each added block, and determining whether a Jenga tower is stable, and if not, identified which blocks caused the instability. This was done for a Data Structures course I was mentoring back in Fall 2024, and thus I will not be providing any code in this respository. If you have any questions regarding the program itself, you can send a message to my email ([email protected]) and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
You can run the program on the terminal through ./jenga.out <Test_To_Run>
<Test_To_Run> : it is either 'CantileverTest', 'JengaTest', 'SimpleTest', 'ArchTest', or 'JengaTestStability'
You could also just do: ./jenga.out
To run the program. This will put it in interactive mode where you could add or remove blocks, and determine the stability of the current tower.