You need to have installed Java 11 at least on your environment and Maven at least from the version 3.2.
1.- On the directory "<your location>\test" execute: "mvn clean package" 2.- Enter to "\target" directory 3.- Execute the App with the command: "java -jar spanTest.jar"
The menu on the console will appears:
Please chose an option (type the number) for read the results of games
1.- Enter the data
2.- Exit
Choose an option typing a number
Option 1
The next message will appear:
******************** Type Match result ********************
Enter another result game or type finish for exit
You can enter the results on the following format, example: Lions 3, Snakes 1, another kind of data will not be considered It's possible type information until you type the command: "finish" The Application will calculate the points from the teams.