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Code and text is adapted from sections 3.2 and 3.3 of
"Seminaïve Evaluation for a Higher-Order Functional Language"
(Arntzenius, Krishnaswami, 2020).
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julianhyde committed Dec 26, 2021
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176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions src/test/resources/script/regex-example.sml
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* Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license
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* License.
* Example of matching regular expressions using combinators.
* Code and text is based upon sections 3.2 and 3.3 of "Seminaïve Evaluation for
* a Higher-Order Functional Language" (Arntzenius, Krishnaswami, 2020).

(* "chars" splits a string into a list of (index, character) pairs. *)
fun chars s =
List.tabulate (String.size s, fn i => (i, String.sub (s, i)));
chars "abc";

(* The type of regular expression matchers:
type re = string -> int * int
A regular expression takes a string "s" and returns the set of all
pairs "(i, j)" such that the substring "si, . . . , sj − 1" matches the
regular expression. *)

(*) Prints a solution
fun matchStrings matches s =
from (i, j) in matches
yield String.substring (s, i, j - i);
(* "sym" finds all matches for a single character "c"; it
returns the range "(i, i + 1)" whenever "(i, c) is in "chars s": *)
fun sym c s =
from (i, c2) in chars s
where c2 = c
yield (i, i + 1);
sym #"l" "hello";
sym #"z" "hello";
(* "epsilon" finds all matches for the empty regex, i.e. all empty substrings,
including the one "beyond the last character" *)
fun epsilon s =
List.tabulate ((String.size s) + 1, fn i => (i, i));
epsilon "";
epsilon "abc";
(* Appending regexes r1, r2 amounts to relation composition, since we wish to
find all substrings consisting of adjacent substrings "si . . . sj − 1" and
"sj . . . sk − 1" matching r1 and r2 respectively: *)
fun seq r1 r2 s =
from (i, j) in r1 s,
(j2, k) in r2 s
where j = j2 + 0
yield (i + 0, k + 0);
(*) match "l" followed by "o" in "hello"
seq (sym #"l") (sym #"o") "hello";
(*) Match a string by converting it into a sequence of character matches.
fun syms cs s =
List.foldr (fn (c, r) => seq (sym c) r) epsilon (String.explode cs) s;
syms "el" "hello";
(* Similarly, regex alternation "r1 | r2" is accomplished by unioning all
matches of each: *)
fun alt r1 r2 s = (r1 s) union (r2 s);
(*) match "e" or "o" in "hello"
val matches = alt (sym #"e") (sym #"o") "hello";
matchStrings matches "hello";
(*) Transitive closure
fun trans edges =
Relational.iterate edges
fn (oldEdges, newEdges) =>
from (i, j) in newEdges,
(j2, k) in edges
where j = j2
yield (i, k);
trans [(1, 2), (4, 6), (2, 5), (2, 3)];
(* The most interesting regular expression combinator is Kleene star. Thinking
relationally, if we consider the set of pairs "(i, j)" matching some regex
"r", then "r*" matches its reflexive, transitive closure. This can be
accomplished by combining "epsilon" and "trans". *)
fun star r s =
(epsilon s) union (trans (r s));
val matches = star (sym #"l") "hello";
matchStrings matches "hello";
(*) regex "(e | r) l*" applied to "hello world"
val matches =
seq (alt (sym #"e") (sym #"r")) (star (sym #"l")) "hello world";
matchStrings matches "hello world";
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The combinators in the previous section found all matches within a given
substring, but often we are not interested in all matches: we only want to
know if a string can match starting at a particular location. We can easily
refactor the combinators above to work in this style, which illustrates
the benefits of tightly integrating functional and relational styles of
programming – we can use functions to manage strict input/output divisions,
and relations to manage nondeterminism and search.
type re = (string * int) -> int list
Our new type of combinators takes a string and a starting position, and
returns a set of ending positions. For example, "sym c" checks if "c" occurs
at the start position "i", yielding "[i + 1]" if it does and the empty set
otherwise, while epsilon simply returns the start position i. *)
(* "matchStringsPos" iterates over all positions in a string, returning
print a pair (index, substring) for each match. It helps with testing. *)
fun range n =
List.tabulate (n, fn i => i);
fun matchStringsPos r s =
from i in range (String.size s),
j in r (s, i)
yield (i, String.substring (s, i, j - i));
fun symPos c (s, i) =
from (i2, c2) in chars s
where i2 = i andalso c2 = c
yield i + 1;
val r = symPos #"l";
r ("hello", 1);
r ("hello", 2);
r ("hello", 3);
matchStringsPos r "hello";
fun epsilonPos (s, i) = [i];
val r = epsilonPos;
matchStringsPos r "hello";
(* Appending regexes "seq r1 r2" simply applies "r2" starting from every ending
position that "r1" can find: *)
fun seqPos r1 r2 (s, i) =
from j in r1 (s, i),
k in r2 (s, j)
yield k;
val r = seqPos (symPos #"l") (symPos #"o");
matchStringsPos r "hello";
(* Regex alternation "alt" is effectively unchanged: *)
fun altPos r1 r2 x = (r1 x) union (r2 x);
val r = altPos (symPos #"e") (symPos #"o");
matchStringsPos r "hello";
(* Finally, Kleene star is implemented by recursively appending r to a set x of
matches found so far. It’s worth noting that this definition is effectively
left-recursive – it takes the endpoints from the fixed point x, and then
continues matching using the argument r. This should make clear that this is
not just plain old functional programming – we are genuinely relying upon the
fixed point semantics. *)
fun starPos r (s, i) =
Relational.iterate [i]
fn (oldList, newList) =>
from j in newList,
k in r (s, j)
yield k;
val r = starPos (symPos #"l");
matchStringsPos r "hello";
(*) regex "(e | r) l*" applied to "hello world"
val r = seqPos (altPos (symPos #"e") (symPos #"r")) (starPos (symPos #"l"));
matchStringsPos r "hello world";
(*) End regex-example.sml

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