Hypha's media centre
In the terminal run (Assuming you have git, otherwise, sudo apt-get install git):
git clone https://github.com/hypha/hmc.git
1.System dependencies: python-pip, mpv, python-dev.
Install by typing
sudo apt-get install python-pip mpv python-dev
Note: mpv (only tested with latest version built from https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-build; earlier version without eabling ffmpeg options might result in some urls not playing properly; earlier versions should exist in the repositoriy of recent versions of Linux)
2.Python libraries: IMDbPY, rottentomatoes, subliminal.
2.1.Go inside the directory where you cloned the files:
cd hmc/
2.2. Install python dependencies by typing
sudo pip install -r requirement.txt
How to run:
Method 1: From where the file hmc.py is located in, run:
python hmc.py
Method 2: create a symlink from hmc.py to any of $PATH (to check, do "echo $PATH"),e.g.
ln -s ~/hmc/hmc.py /usr/local/bin/
Then run "hmc.py" from any directory.
1.to go to previous directory, type: ..
2.to go to a listed directory, type in its corresponding number
3.to play media file No. 5, enter
play 4 ; or 4
(play is implied if one directly types in an index of a media file
4.if media file No.4 is a film, play the trailer of the film by entering
trailer 4
5.play a range of media files by doing (play):
1,4,5 to play file 1,4,5
1-5 to play from file 1 to 5;
1- to play from file 1 to the end
5- to play from 1 to 5 in reverse
all to play all media files in the directory
6.add "shuffle" in front of command 5 to play a range of files in random mode
7.add "trailer" in front of command 5 to play a range of trailers of films
8.add "shuffle trailer" in front of command 5 to trailers of films in random order
9.to get information of film 3, do
info 3
Then you will see an imdb summary of the film alongside its rotten tomato scores.