NHM-Assist is a collection of python workflows presented in Jupyter notebooks for evaluating, running and interpreting National Hydrologic Model (NHM) domains using pywatershed. NHM-Assist allows users to:
- evaluate hydrofabric element connections such as hydrologic response unit connections to streamflow segments, segment routing order, and gage placement accuracy;
- display NHM domain parameter values on interactive maps and plots;
- run the NHM domain using pywatershed and create output for chosen variables;
- display NHM domain output values, such as recharge or actual evapotranspiration, on interactive maps and plots; and
- display simulated and observed streamflow for model gages on interactive plots.
Select interactive maps and plots generated by NHM-Assist are saved locally in .html format and displayed in a web browser.
Instructions for standard installation of conda-forge miniforge is available at this link For USGS users, it is recommended to use the agency ???
Open a miniforge prompt.
If the nhm
environment already exists, then remove it:
conda remove -y --name nhm --all
Install a fresh env:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
1/8/25 note: need to run 'python pull_domain.py --name=willamette_river' in the command window from the repo to get the example/sample model
activate nhm
jupyter lab
Ready to go! 👍