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Releases: i-comit/i-ncript


29 Apr 21:18
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This release introduces a file count tracker for loading large directories, so users can visibly track progress and avoid mistaking ongoing processes for hang-ups.



  • Starting the app overrides file filters to empty string, thereby not applying the file filters. 9001f55
  • diskSpacePercent is calculated based off the remainder of free disk memory to total disk memory 65aacb1


  • OvalSpinner is replaced with GridSpinner as the former did not work on Linux. 540ed23
  • Moved all svelte store consts from filetree.ts to dynamicVariables.ts. c189f77



  • File counter to getFilesRecursively to track files being loaded into memory for ciphering. b054f63
  • File counter in the file tree build process to enhance user feedback during large operations. a7299fd
  • Svelte fade transitions on Settings and Info modal mount. b054f63


  • Redundant calls to getFilesRecursively eliminated, optimizing performance. 4c05fe4
  • Unnecessary file recounts in getFilesRecursively to reflect accurate file count. 4c05fe4


  • Directory file size displays free drive space/total drive space, speeding up load time. b054f63
  • Improved tooltip styling for enhanced UI clarity. 4c05fe4
  • Renamed initFileCtTree to loadedFileCt for consistency in terminology. 4c05fe4
  • Modified UI to hide the pause button while files are loading, improving UX. 4c05fe4


  • Deprecated getDirectoryFileCt function since it was used redundantly. 4c05fe4

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28 Apr 00:21
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  • File filtering system like FreeFileSync's, which is added in the Settings modal 4c53a99
    • Some examples for how the filter rules work:
| Path                      | Filter Directive                               |
| */.git/objects/*          | Any path which contains /.git/objects          |
| VAULT/*/.git/             | Any path starting with VAULT/ & ends w /.git   |
| VAULT/code/i-ncript/.git/ | Path that matches VAULT/code/i-ncript/.git/    |
| *.jpg~                    | Any file that is a .jpg~                       |
| *Image.png                | Any file that is named Image.png               |
| M-BOX/docs/*.pdf          | Any .pdf files but only inside M-BOX/docs/     |

  • Auto check for update through http request on app load b07bfc5
  • Custom decorated Wails runtime logger with the color pkg c905b5f
  • Dark light background-grid on logger modal 1551015
  • Keyup bind to M-BOX page pack and open calls 1551015
  • FileTree leverages the blur transition for expanded fileNodes f4c703e
  • Hot Filer mounts a Chronograph on enable f4c703e
  • Added file tree rebuild call on successful M-BOX pack & open db91859


  • Login input and button focus on confirm password cf09fa0
  • Encrypt/decrypt not working after a file is moved db91859
  • Getter for percent of drive to directory size c39a4e2
  • Dark/light mode on DirSize & RadialProgress widget


  • Condensed Introduction texts on AppSetup

The .exe being 10MB while the unix executable is only 3MB is due to an issue with UPX compression on Windows.

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i-ncript 2.1.0

16 Apr 12:45
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i-ncript has been remade with Go. Using the Wails framework for the desktop GUI and frontend frameworks to design the UI.

The folders for receiving and sending data has been combined into M-BOX (Mailbox).

UI is definitely a big improvement, since I can leverage all the cool frontend web frameworks like SCSS and Flowbite to make reactive and animated elements. But, it's always better to consider function over form.

The biggest advantage working with Go is that it can compile into a self contained executable for Windows and Linux (macOS as well but I don't have a mac book). That means no dependencies to package with the app and no installer: the whole program is one file & considerably small as well, being <4MB after compression with UPX. It can actually be considered a real portable app.

And it's going to be open source.

Full Changelog: 2.0.8...2.1.0

i-ncript 2.0.8 windows

07 Apr 04:27
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  • Ignored binary files or files without an extension since those cannot be reverted back once converted to .enc.

i-ncript 1.8.4

13 Dec 16:54
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  • Keeping your mouse over the output log after encrypt/decrypt is done will prevent the tab from switching back to the DROP tab.
  • Extra styling for the output log, which now has a divider line and extra space for each block of encrypt/decrypt task.


  • ResetProgressBar() no longer runs twice after using SEND.

i-ncript 1.7.3

23 Nov 07:33
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  • Progress bar not appearing on Send and Receive
  • Encrypted files that are inside o-box are automatically decrypted before getting encrypted again with the recipient password.

i-ncript 1.6.6

17 Nov 12:51
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  • Keybinds (Cycling through the buttons using TAB will disable the keybinds. To renable them, click anywhere on the app with your mouse)
    • SHIFT+Q
      This will run the encryption task on the i-ncript folder, similar to clicking the ENCRYPT radio button.
    • SHIFT+E
      This will run the decryption task on the i-ncript folder, similar to clicking the DECRYPT radio button.
    • SHIFT+S
      This will stop the active encryption/decryption task, similar to clicking the STOP button.
    • SHIFT+X
      This will clear the output log on the tabbed pane, similar to clicking CLR LOG.
    • SHIFT+F
      This will run hot filer function, similar to clicking on the HOT FILER button.
      This will run the file hider function, similar to clicking on the HIDE FILE button.
    • V
      This will update the active file tree.
    • ENTER
      This will cycle through the 3 tool panels, STORE, N-BOX, and O-BOX.
  • Single clicking on a file in the file tree view will display its last creation date and file size. Selecting multiple files in the file tree view will display the last creation date of the first file, and the sum of all the selected file sizes.


  • STOP and HOT FILER buttons are now more responsive
  • Progress bars not resetting to 0
  • File tree resets to the correct active folder after crypto task, instead of only the i-ncript folder


  • UI
    • Made icon brighter
    • Login alert label is now hyperlinked to company website
    • Increased contrast by making file tree and tabbed pane background darker
    • The label that appears during login does not trim itself (disappear)
    • Bottom of GUI expands only when there is encryption going on, showing the main progress bar. When it is over the GUI collapses.

i-ncript 1.5.2

31 Oct 08:52
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  • Fixed iterator on main progress bar by not using local iterator var
  • Fixed drag drop progress bar by refactoring original AESQuery() thread to accept threads from (you may notice that drag & drop is much faster than the i-ncript folder; this is not due to unoptimized coding but simply because your hard drive, where the drag and drop files are from, is much faster at read and write than your USB)
  • General code refactoring for more code reusability


  • Implement a method that stores input bytes into a buffer, and only encrypt/decrypt buffer when it is done, to prevent data corruption if the buffer is not done (such as unexpected USB disconnect)
  • A data storage check before doing any encrypt/decrypt tasks to make sure there is enough space for the second file.


22 Oct 05:15
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Hot Filer is fixed now for #4 . The issue was I ran progressBarThread twice, which interrupts the AES thread and shuts off the app.


  • A STOP button for stopping encryption/decryption is added and only shows during said task.
  • A CLR LOG button is added to manually clear the log, instead of it clearing after encryption/decryption is done.


17 Oct 20:34
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Fixed crashing on USB disconnect