A quick and dirty utility module for getting a HTTP application up and running:
package main
import (
// Handler/Controller struct
type helloHandler struct{}
// Implement http.Handler
// Your logic goes here
func (hey helloHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
var queryParameters = r.URL.Query()
// Make use of a pre-defined "Message" response
response := dirtyhttp.HttpMessageResponse{}
if queryParameters.Get("name") != "" {
response.Message = "Hello, " + queryParameters.Get("name")
} else {
response.Message = "Hello, world!"
// Encode an object as JSON and send the response
dirtyhttp.EncodeResponseAsJSON(response, w)
// Write a timestamped log entry
api.Logger.Error("A non-implemented method was attempted")
// Return a pre-defined error with a custom message
api.HttpErrorWriter.MethodNotAllowed(w, "Naughty, naughty.")
var api dirtyhttp.Api = dirtyhttp.Api{}
func main() {
// Initialisation
// Register a handler
hello := &helloHandler{}
api.RegisterHandler("/hello", *hello)
// Go, baby, go!
By default, the Service will look for values in API_USER
to use as Basic Authentication credentials.
If you want to start a service without the default requirement for Basic Auth, you can swap out the above main function for one that looks a little like this:
var api dirtyhttp.Api = dirtyhttp.Api{}
func main() {
// Initialisation with custom config
config := dirtyhttp.EnvConfig{}
// Register a handler
hello := &helloHandler{}
api.RegisterHandler("/hello", *hello)
// Go, baby, go!