Use Webpack + Icoset to build svg's dynamically into your outputed bundle.
Learn more about icoset: @icoset/icoset
Check out the icoset presets: @icoset/preset-*
Since Icoset is a build-time tool, we need a way to get all these icons into our app during run-time.
Enter icoset-webpack-plugin
- we can now use webpack to initiate Icoset with a custom
config, and dynamically inject it into our final bundle.
// yarn
$ yarn add @icoset/icoset @icoset/icoset-webpack-plugin
// npm
$ npm install -s @icoset/icoset @icoset/icoset-webpack-plugin
// webpack.config.js
const IcosetWebpackPlugin = require('@icoset/icoset-webpack-plugin');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: './src/index.js',
output: {...},
plugins: [
new IcosetWebpackPlugin({
directory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'icons'),
Pass in icoset options here (like directory
and icons
Check out the Icoset README to learn more.
Depending on the webpack configuration, you might have more then one entry file.
This option allows you to target a named entry file for injection:
module.exports = {
entry: {
one: './src/one.js',
two: './src/two.js',
plugins: [
new IcosetWebpackPlugin({
entryName: 'one', // the plugin will inject the icons into this entry file
icosetOptions: {
directory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'icons'),
Choose how you want your icons added to your app.
DEFAULT - inject svgs directly into the<body>
on document load.window
- inject svgs into a window variable for later use (window variable name defaults towindow.__icoset
If injectionType === 'window'
, you can change that variable name here.
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new IcosetWebpackPlugin({
injectionType: 'window',
windowVariableName: '__whatever_you_want__',
// output: window.__whatever_you_want__ = "<svg>...</svg>";
I just want to give a big shout out to our friends behind the
project. This project
utilizes that plugin to be able to inject custom code into an entry file.