A fully-functioning video-generator.
- Tech used:
- OpenAI - Used in order to generate keywords to use for Pexels' API to obtain stock video clips.
- FFMPEG - Used to stitch together the stock video clips obtained from Pexels.
- Replicate - Used for the text-to-speech functionality that will be used in the video.
- Create a client for the videomaker.
- Authentication
- Keyword generation
- Stock video retrieval using Pexels' API
- Database models for the video data
- Webhook for TTS functionality from Replicate.
- /api/auth/login - POST - Login endpoint.
- /api/auth/register - POST - Register endpoint.
- /api/video/order - POST - Orders a new video.
- /api/video/orders - GET - Retrieves all orders and their statuses.
- /api/profile/me - GET - Returns the authenticated user's profile details.
- /webhook/tts - POST - Webhook for TTS functionality provided by Replicate.