Code repository for the IRL What-If Tool (IRL-WIT), an interactive visualization tool designed to enhance interpretability in Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL), particularly in the healthcare domain.
Attempt at implement AIRL (in progress)
(Checkpoint 3 output viz.ipynb) Notebook code for PCA and output feature data analysis.
Adjusted code to create multi-dimensional plots that explain how reward values grow during the training process
- Paper citation: Hao Li, Zheng Xu, Gavin Taylor, Christoph Studer and Tom Goldstein. Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets. NIPS, 2018.
(extract_gridworld.ipynb) Notebook to extract reward data for the model running on gridworld toy domain.
(hypotension_extractions_clusters.ipynb) Notebook to extract rewards for the model running on hypotension patient cohort.
(pneumonia_extractions_clusters.ipynb) Notebook to extract rewards for the model running on pneumonia patient cohort, for one clustering algorithm.
(pneumonia_clustering.ipynb) Notebook to extract reward value information for each clustering algorithm.
Overall purpose here is to extract the pneumonia patient cohort.
( Downloads emars table to map (subject_id, admission_id) —> list of drugs/treatments given to patient
- The mapping is stored in treatments.json (todo: rename the file to a more descriptive title)
( Reads in the mapping above and identifies the unique set of treatments given to pneumonia patients in the past
( Exploratory code to append an action to each patient’s row in data frame and export final data frame
Compilation of extracted reward / gradient values and code for optimizer, trajectory construction etc.
(BC_loss_landscape.ipynb) Adjusted code to create multi-dimensional plots that explain how reward values grow during the training process
- Paper citation: Hao Li, Zheng Xu, Gavin Taylor, Christoph Studer and Tom Goldstein. Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets. NIPS, 2018.
(CS282_Final_Project_Pneumonia_Viz.ipynb) IRL-WIT code for pneumonia cohort (CS282_Final_Project_MIMIC_IV_viz.ipynb) IRL-WIT code for hypotension cohort