CARLoS Projection Display System
User interface for the CARLoS robot based on a tool-mounted projector and a Wii remote. This is 3'rd generation of the interface.
- Version 1: OpenCV based. Used for CARLoS user tests carried out at AAU Aalborg.
- Version 2: Gazebo based. Used for minor tests at both AAU and Inesc.
- Version 3: OpenGL based. Faster than both previous versions and with full support for interface to the CARLoS patners.
Setup the system by copying the config file (config.cfg) and parse the copy as an argument when starting prodisp. Parameters:
- proj_matrix and proj_distortions: Intrinsic projector calibration
- proj_resolution: As the name says...
TF's: "projector_link" to "base_footprint": Read only right when prodisp receives a teaching goal "projector_link" to "wall": Subscribed
Start prodisp in test mode by:
- roscore
- roslaunch prodisp tfs.launch
- roscd prodisp/stubs/ -> rosparam load mission_super_weld.yaml mission
- rosrun prodisp prodisp
- roscd prodisp/stubs/ -> bash teach.bash