Assembler based exclusively on the Red - Red/System programming language.
With the Red language, the fun and enjoyment of programming is truly back to me the poor one "programmer"!
Instructions are translated into machine code and stored in binary format on disk.
So far only MOV, JCC, BSWAP and NOP instructions has been processed and that's not complete.
Try it:
$ ./
or step by step:
$ redc test.reds
$ ./test
To check if the instructions are correct:
$ objdump -b binary -m i386 -M intel -D text.bin > text.dump
In the file text.dump at the section .data: you should find the content:
0: 8a c3 mov al,bl
2: 66 0f 87 a9 00 ja 0xb0
7: 8a e7 mov ah,bh
9: 8b c3 mov eax,ebx
b: 66 0f 83 3e 00 jae 0x4e
10: b0 df mov al,0xdf
12: 66 b8 6e a0 mov ax,0xa06e
16: bb a4 c3 b2 f1 mov ebx,0xf1b2c3a4
1b: a0 48 ef cd ab mov al,ds:0xabcdef48
20: 74 2c je 0x4e
22: 8a 0d b6 c5 00 00 mov cl,BYTE PTR ds:0xc5b6
28: 8a 25 48 ef cd ab mov ah,BYTE PTR ds:0xabcdef48
2e: 8a 3d 48 ef cd ab mov bh,BYTE PTR ds:0xabcdef48
34: 76 cc jbe 0x2
36: 66 a1 4d 3c 2b 1a mov ax,ds:0x1a2b3c4d
3c: 66 8b 0d 4d 3c 2b 1a mov cx,WORD PTR ds:0x1a2b3c4d
43: a1 98 ab dc fe mov eax,ds:0xfedcab98
48: 8b 15 98 ab dc fe mov edx,DWORD PTR ds:0xfedcab98
4e: a2 98 ab dc fe mov ds:0xfedcab98,al
53: 88 0d 98 ab dc fe mov BYTE PTR ds:0xfedcab98,cl
59: 88 25 98 ab dc fe mov BYTE PTR ds:0xfedcab98,ah
5f: 88 3d 98 ab dc fe mov BYTE PTR ds:0xfedcab98,bh
65: 66 a3 98 ab dc fe mov ds:0xfedcab98,ax
6b: 66 89 15 98 ab dc fe mov WORD PTR ds:0xfedcab98,dx
72: 78 3c js 0xb0
74: a3 98 ab dc fe mov ds:0xfedcab98,eax
79: 89 1d 98 ab dc fe mov DWORD PTR ds:0xfedcab98,ebx
7f: 64 a2 98 ab dc fe mov fs:0xfedcab98,al
85: 65 88 0d 98 ab dc fe mov BYTE PTR gs:0xfedcab98,cl
8c: 66 36 89 1d 98 ab dc mov WORD PTR ss:0xfedcab98,bx
93: fe
94: 66 26 89 15 98 ab dc mov WORD PTR es:0xfedcab98,dx
9b: fe
9c: 66 0f 8f 61 ff jg 0x2
a1: 3e a3 98 ab dc fe mov ds:0xfedcab98,eax
a7: 64 89 35 98 ab dc fe mov DWORD PTR fs:0xfedcab98,esi
ae: 7b 9e jnp 0x4e
b0: 0f cb bswap ebx
b2: e3 9a jecxz 0x4e
b4: 90 nop