- History and Basics:
- Understand the origins and basic features of C++.
- Learn about variables, data types, and basic syntax.
Control Structures:
- Explore if, else, switch, and loop statements.
- Understand the control flow in C++.
- Learn how to define functions in C++.
- Understand parameters, return types, and function overloading.
Classes and Objects:
- Explore the principles of object-oriented programming.
- Understand class definitions, object instantiation, and encapsulation.
Inheritance and Polymorphism:
- Learn about inheritance, polymorphism, and virtual functions.
- Understand how to create derived classes and override methods.
Arrays and Pointers:
- Understand the use of arrays and pointers in C++.
- Learn about dynamic memory allocation.
Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues:
- Explore fundamental data structures.
- Implement linked lists, stacks, and queues in C++.
STL Containers and Algorithms:
- Familiarize yourself with the Standard Template Library (STL).
- Learn about containers like vectors, lists, and algorithms provided by STL.
- Reading and Writing Files:
- Learn how to perform file operations in C++.
- Understand file input/output streams.
- Template Functions and Classes:
- Explore template functions and classes in C++.
- Understand the concept of generic programming.
Dynamic Memory Allocation:
- Learn about new and delete operators for dynamic memory allocation.
- Understand memory leaks and how to avoid them.
Smart Pointers:
- Explore smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr).
- Understand their role in memory management.
- Try, Catch, and Throw:
- Understand exception handling in C++.
- Learn how to throw and catch exceptions.
- Threads and Mutexes:
- Explore the basics of multithreading in C++.
- Understand synchronization using mutexes.
STL Containers:
- Explore containers like vectors, lists, maps, and sets.
- Understand their usage and common operations.
STL Algorithms:
- Learn about algorithms provided by the STL.
- Explore sorting, searching, and other algorithms.
- Basic Networking Concepts:
- Learn about basic networking concepts in C++.
- Explore socket programming for communication.
Lambda Expressions:
- Understand lambda expressions in C++.
- Explore their use in functional programming.
Move Semantics:
- Learn about move semantics and rvalue references.
- Understand efficient resource management.
Graphics Libraries (e.g., SFML):
- Explore graphics programming in C++.
- Understand how to create simple games or applications.
Qt Framework:
- Learn about the Qt framework for GUI development.
- Explore creating desktop applications.
- Basic Git Commands:
- Understand version control using Git.
- Learn about commands like commit, push, and pull.
- Participate in C++ Communities:
- Engage with C++ communities through forums, conferences, and online platforms.
- Contribute to open-source C++ projects and share knowledge.
- Stay Updated:
- Follow C++-related news, updates, and emerging technologies.
- Continuously explore advanced topics and deepen your understanding.